

** The Legend of Nehebaku **

After the apocalypse of sudden global warming devastated Wano City, the survivors worked tirelessly for three years to rebuild and prepare to fight against the unrelenting natural disasters. Sana, a renowned gaming developer and player from Wano City, earned prestigious achievements but mysteriously disappeared, causing havoc in the gaming industry. Despite exhaustive searches, her family, company, and the police found no trace of her. Two years later, her younger sister Siya, now a high school student, meets a strange person who seems to come from an ancient world. He greets her as the "Princess of Nehebaku" and reveals that Sana died in another world called the Mystic World of Araban. Before Siya can ask any questions, the mysterious man disappears, promising to meet again.

### Characters

- **Siya**: Female protagonist and younger sister of Sana.
- **Zeon**: Nine-faced snake, a mythical type of Soul Beast living in the mystical world.
- **Sana**: Older sister of Siya, a famous gaming developer who disappeared mysteriously.
- **Aros**: Demon General of the current mystical world.


### Chapter 01: Awakening of Nehebaku

In the wake of catastrophic global warming, Wano City lay in ruins. The once-thriving metropolis was now a battleground between nature's fury and human resilience. Skyscrapers stood like broken teeth against the skyline, and streets were rivers of debris and desolation. Yet, in the face of such overwhelming adversity, the people of Wano City rallied, rebuilding their homes and fortifying their lives against the next inevitable disaster.

Among them was Siya, a high school student who had watched her city—and her life—fall apart over the past few years. Her sister, Sana, had been the brightest star in her world. A gaming prodigy and developer, Sana had achieved fame and fortune, only to vanish without a trace two years ago. The disappearance left a gaping hole not only in Siya's life but in the entire gaming community. The search for Sana had been relentless but fruitless, leaving Siya with nothing but memories and unanswered questions.

One rainy afternoon, Siya trudged home from school, her thoughts heavy with the usual mix of grief and determination. As she passed the remnants of what used to be a bustling park, she noticed a figure standing beneath a leafless tree. The man was clad in robes that seemed ancient, almost otherworldly, and his eyes held a wisdom that belied his youthful appearance.

"Greetings, Princess of Nehebaku," he said, bowing deeply.

Siya stopped in her tracks, fear and curiosity warring within her. "Who are you? And what did you just call me?"

The man smiled, a gentle yet enigmatic expression. "I am Zeon, a humble servant from the Mystic World of Araban. Your sister, Sana, met her end in our world, but her legacy lives on. You, Princess Siya, are destined to fulfill her unfinished destiny."

Siya's heart pounded in her chest. "What do you mean my sister is dead? What is this Mystic World of Araban?"

But before she could utter another word, Zeon vanished, leaving behind only a whisper on the wind. "We will meet again, Princess Nehebaku."


That night, Siya couldn't sleep. Her mind replayed the encounter with Zeon over and over, trying to make sense of his cryptic words. The next morning, she decided to skip school and investigate. If there was any chance that she could find out what happened to Sana, she had to take it.

Siya started by searching for any reference to Nehebaku and the Mystic World of Araban. Hours turned into days as she pored over ancient texts, obscure online forums, and forgotten archives. Each clue seemed to lead her deeper into a labyrinth of myth and legend. Nehebaku was an ancient kingdom, said to be protected by powerful soul beasts and governed by wise rulers. The Mystic World of Araban was a parallel dimension, home to beings of unimaginable power and danger.

As Siya delved deeper, she began to uncover stories of a Nine-Faced Snake, a mythical Soul Beast named Zeon. According to the legends, Zeon was a guardian of the royal family of Nehebaku, capable of shifting between worlds. The more she learned, the more it became clear that her sister's disappearance was no ordinary event. It was tied to a much larger, more profound mystery.

One evening, as Siya sat surrounded by books and scrolls, a soft glow filled the room. Zeon appeared once again, his many faces serene and composed. "Princess Siya, you have begun to unlock the truth. Your sister, Sana, was drawn into our world by forces beyond her control. She fought valiantly but fell in the battle against Aros, the Demon General who seeks to conquer Araban."

Siya's eyes filled with tears. "Is there any way to bring her back? To avenge her?"

Zeon nodded. "There is a way, but it will not be easy. You must journey to Araban, embrace your destiny as the Princess of Nehebaku, and defeat Aros. Only then can you bring peace to both our worlds and honor your sister's memory."

Determination flared within Siya. "Tell me what I need to do."

Zeon extended one of his many heads, and a golden light enveloped Siya. "Close your eyes and focus. The gateway to Araban lies within your heart. When you awaken, you will be in our world."

Siya did as instructed, feeling a strange sensation pulling her away from reality. When she opened her eyes, she found herself standing in a lush, vibrant forest, unlike anything she had ever seen. The air was thick with magic, and the sounds of mystical creatures filled her ears.

"Welcome to Araban, Princess Siya," Zeon said, his voice resonating from all directions. "Your journey begins now. Seek out the allies of Nehebaku, and prepare for the battle against Aros."


Siya's journey through Araban was fraught with challenges and wonders. She encountered creatures from legend, some friendly and others deadly. Guided by Zeon, she sought out the remaining loyalists of Nehebaku, a group of warriors, mages, and scholars dedicated to protecting their realm from Aros's tyranny.

Among them was Liora, a fierce warrior with a heart of gold, and Eldrin, a wise mage who had known Sana and spoke fondly of her bravery and kindness. Together, they trained Siya, honing her skills in combat and magic. Each day, Siya grew stronger, fueled by the desire to honor her sister's legacy and save both worlds from destruction.

As she trained, Siya learned more about Aros. The Demon General had once been a protector of Araban, but greed and lust for power had corrupted him. He sought to dominate both the mystical and human worlds, and Sana had been a thorn in his side, fighting against his dark ambitions until her last breath.

One night, as Siya rested by a campfire, Zeon appeared beside her. "The time is near, Princess. Aros is gathering his forces. You must be ready to face him."

Siya nodded, her resolve unwavering. "I will defeat him, Zeon. For Sana, for Nehebaku, and for all who suffer under his rule."


The final battle approached, and Siya led her newfound allies to the heart of Aros's domain. The landscape was bleak and twisted, a stark contrast to the vibrant beauty of Araban. Dark clouds loomed overhead, and the air crackled with malevolent energy.

Aros awaited them, a towering figure of darkness and menace. His eyes glowed with a sinister light as he surveyed the intruders. "So, the little princess has come to challenge me," he sneered. "You will meet the same fate as your sister."

Siya stepped forward, her voice strong and clear. "My sister may have fallen, but she did not die in vain. I will end your reign of terror, Aros."

The battle was fierce and brutal. Aros unleashed waves of dark magic, but Siya and her allies fought back with determination and courage. Eldrin's spells clashed with Aros's sorcery, while Liora's blade danced through the air, striking true.

Siya called upon the power within her, the legacy of Nehebaku. Her movements were guided by Zeon's wisdom and the strength of her resolve. As the battle raged on, she felt a surge of energy, a connection to the very essence of Araban.

In a final, desperate clash, Siya confronted Aros. Their powers collided, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. With a mighty roar, Siya unleashed a torrent of light, overwhelming the darkness within Aros. The Demon General screamed as his form disintegrated, consumed by the purity of her power.

As the dust settled, Siya stood victorious. The forces of darkness had been vanquished, and peace began to return to Araban. The people of Nehebaku hailed her as their savior, and Zeon bowed deeply in respect.

"You have fulfilled your destiny, Princess Siya. Your sister's spirit can now rest in peace."

Tears of relief and joy filled Siya's eyes. "Thank you, Zeon. For everything."


Returning to Wano City, Siya carried with her the strength and wisdom she had gained. She vowed to continue her sister's legacy, bridging the gap between worlds and ensuring that the horrors of the past would never be repeated.

The Legend of Nehebaku lived on, a tale of courage, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bond between two sisters who defied fate to protect their world. And as long as Siya remained, both Araban and Wano