

Impossible Love
It is a story about a fairy who lives in utopia.She is a stunning beauty with so many regrets.She fell in love with a fox which has made her life more soreowfull.

She immensely thought about her powers not to get trapped by bad people but her fate has changed by this fox.Her fairy world has a sacred flower which was protected by them from years ago.

The flower contains the powers of ancient fairy goddess Nuna,she was a guardian of fairy world.If the evil people got the flower they will misuse it and become a problem to fairy world.

Once a gumiho entered into fairy world and tries to steal it but it became tough for it because of guardian fairies.He plans to hypnotise guardian fairy but it failed and worked on another innocent fairy.

She convinced the guardian fairies to take the duty of them but they have given an one hour duty to protect the flower and they left there.The gumiho named shunho came there and stealed it and then he left the fairy world.

Everyone has felt scared because they have lost the flower,they have scolded the innocent fairy for her mistake.She felt very regret about the incident and took the responsibilty of bringing back the flower to utopia.

The fairy queen has shared some of her powers to the innocent fairy named as hayna,then she travelled to find out the gumiho.They have approximated that the gumiho stays inbetween human to eat their liver.

Hayna transformed to a young college girl and started living between human beings.
she started investigation by spelling the ancient mantra of the scared flower.This mantra will definitely shows the direction where it is hidden.

She got the dream of a river and two kids playing in the park.when she woke up,she got confused about the connection between these two incidents.she searches for the park which has more kids for playing.

She saw a fair person with gentle skin and soft voice walking towards her and telling that "This is waste of time" and disappeared from there.she is in dilemma about that person.


To be continued......


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