

it's near
800 years ago.
there was a war between two lands and fights during a blood moon.. tagt they called it "The war of eternal" they fight with wolves. spirits. magic. fire. and lot more. the loud sounds of war with crying sounds of people surrounding the place. burning flame. lost of lives. destruction of places. lies around.
but as that happens a baby was born. she was born during the war so her mother have to escape it knowing that the baby's father will die with other family members as it go on.

the mother run through trees to trees her baby wont harmed. but there were multiple wolves had running towards it. the mother run for her life as she hold her child.

in a sudden strike of light the mother hide behind the bushes. with multiple wolves outside trying to find the sense of the mother and the baby. the mother but don't her baby slowly on the ground,she take up her moon pendant gold necklace and slowly put it on her baby's little hand that makes a light golden circle magic shield around the baby as she said "my dear. forgive me.. but. this will not be the last time we meet. " the mother had tears on her eyes

She left the baby in the bushes and took out her dagger and fight those wolves.... , as the mother face those wolves one of the leader of the wolves walk through with his dark cape. dark suit and a knife with red Cristal in the handle. the leader spokes " hahaha... hiding that baby? now your making this war very Interesting ",
and the mother replies "you will never find my daughter.she's the one that will end you and your family in the future. she will avenge us you! will never win!", the leader gestures to attack the mother but the mother failed to dodge as she was attached in the chest with a knife.. she dead., after that the leader said to the wolves " find the baby now! " the wolves search each corner and all places to hide but they have no luck

After those endless fights. the war is finally over the enemy won. lots of people dead,alot of broken buildings trees abs laot more.and the baby was still in the bushes like where he mother had left her. due to the moon pendant necklace the baby was unharmed,she crys and finally a old woman named Ningling found the baby and the old woman spoke " oh dear..poor baby. come on. it's not safe in here"
the old woman took her in her home in a big tree in the forest,as the woman put the baby on her bed inside her house she noticed a moon pendant gold necklace in the baby's hand the woman decided to take a look closer to the necklace as she open the necklace there was a very elegant hand writing with gold ink saying "nish silverlight" the woman was shocked but at the same time. the woman thought that the baby's name was nish silverlight, the woman had promised her self and the baby,nish to take a good care of her and give her love that she deserves

18 years had passed. the baby grows up as a beautiful lady and unique with her polite and childish personality, nish always wear the moon pendant gold necklace. one day nish was helping the old lay,ningling as she spokes " is it find for me go to the town? hmm.. look. I will wear a cape and a hood so no body will recognize me. " and the old woman spoke " no. please.. this is for your won safety. in the outside. people will hurt and threaten you. it's best to stay here " the low woman stops then walk towards teh main door and take her broom and she said " wait for me here " the old woman ride the broom and the air carried her out with her magic broom, nish just watched her leave and continue the unfinished potion. but nish accidentally put the wrong ingredients. and made a unknown potion ,nish curiously take a vial and take the potion.

Every night nish sleeps. she always got the same dream her seeing the war. the dead of her father. mother. and family. seeing those in her dream traumatized her. so she just walk through the silent Night not going to sleep early or else she will see that dream of hers again which she doesn't want to remember

Every night she would go to the top of the tree where Ningling lives and every night she would look at the moon and watch it rise and fall,