

Depression a mind game....

How you will deal with depression well you will got diagnosis with or situated with some kind of mental stimulation but we get infected the pain in yourself that has been gone through years to years.however the pain is getting through very worsen that sometimes we couldn't bear it.
The main reason of it the loneliness in your life sometimes we had a lot people around us but we feel that nobody is there for us.that the worst thing actually.but we chose to what we are . However you ask a old man or woman that does they have somebody to look after they have no answer left with them.
Is that so strange that they have their children but they don't talk with them .i sawed many people around me who are lonely buddy with less hope in their eyes how ever it like that.sometimes I go through to look after them and give some quality time of mine.
A woman who got newly married and with new faces all around with no wonder how she deal with this people but she wait for whole day to arrive her spouse but he also refused to talk but only having sex on bed no wonder what she going through many times couples don't have a conversation with their particular partner that so strange.
A lonely girl with no friend left with her .everyday she want to be friend with some but nobody wants to talk with her .all this year the friend are pretending to be with her by hiding all secrets no wonder that not a friendship .
Wish could be people little more understandable with particular things to love to give their time might be their are chances to grow the relation well .lastly the thing the depression is a mind game that go through with the pain we are surviving we have to understand that nobody stay with us everyone has to step out with our life. Rather then you end the things with people who are not worth for giving you the happiness in your life just let go and see after that you will be happy again...