

A Girl Again!

"It's a girl! "
The doctor gushed, placing the wailing infant on the woman's chest.

She heaved trying to catch her breath in the aftermath of her gruelling labour.

Tears of pain mingled briefly with tears of joy before dissolving into tears of sadness.

She had once again given birth to a girl! Her third daughter.

What would her husband and in-laws do to her now?

What judgement she would face... She was only prepared of half of their reaction.

Her husband took it easy after the birth of their second daughter, but warned her sternly as if she was in control of his sperm and her eggs.

"Don't disappoint me the third time, I don't know what I'll do if there is a next time! "

The words kept ringing in as she stared at her daughter's private organ and wept incessantly.

The room had gone silent as they all watched her bawl her eyes out.

The nurses present did not know how to console her, because they are well aware of her predicament.

The same doctor that helped her give birth to her second daughter was also present.

They were all very sad for her because they knew how badly she prayed for a son.

"Don't cry, there's a reason for everything, and you are still young"
The doctor consoled awkwardly.

The new mother sniffed and looked up at the doctor with eyes as red as hot coal.
"Tell that to my husband and my mother-in-law when they come, please"

The doctor was taken aback by her desperate eyes and nodded promising to talk to her husband as much as he could to alleviate her sadness.

As he talked on and on while they cleaned her up, her mind was starting to be at rest.

She even offered him a small smile and had stopped crying. Her daughter had been cleaned and returned into her arms for breastfeeding.

She was quite weak, so she was wheeled jnto the ward where she would stay for further treatment, because she had a tear at while in labour and was stitched up.

The nurses kept her busy with small talks as they followed her and she was starting to smile at their jokes.

The moment she got was settled into the ward, she was about handing over the now sleeping baby is over to the nearest nurse...

A hand reaches over to collect the baby with urgency, flipping out the the clothes that was used to wrap the baby, with shaky hands he peered open the last layer of clothes to check the baby's sex..

By then, the nurses were prepared to reach for the baby in case the man who was definitely the father of the child dropped her.

His hand froze as he looked up at his wife with angry eyes, quickly the nurse took the child from his arms.

While the wife was looking horrified and covered in sweat. "You gave birth to a girl again!" he retorted with gnashing teeth.

And walked out of the ward, the calls of the nurse and the doctor that was just about to enter the wall fell on deaf ears as he went out without looking back.

The wife was now breathing heavily as she started at the direction her husband left and almost immediately, she let out a painful scream and fainted.

The next thing they a saw was a pool of blood between her legs as while they tried to rescucitate her.

"Doctor! I think her stitches have torn again!"
Immediately she was wheeled back into the theatre room, connecting her to the montor.

They saw her heartbeat was so low that it was almost non existing.

They did their best but it seemed like she doesn't want to wake up from a dream better than her reality.
© Keenah