

Scribbles to self 8
I've seen my soul dance to the tune of the wind,
I've known my soul rejoicing in the eternal truth,
I've witnessed it bathe in the divine light,
I know it's worth, I know that joy, I know that Ananda,

Mind acts its own accord even now,
But it knows it's seat, It's pavilion,
Mind, though acts its way, knows it's abode,
Mind values, respects and admires the soul,

All these years it lived with outer links,
It, now, tasted the value of inner truth,
Mind knows who to bound with now,
But the truth is still tough for it to embrace,

It takes its time, let it take,
hastening kills the bond,
waiting patiently, watching closely,
is the only thing, the only best one at that,

Let it know the boundaries,
healthy boundaries, for itself and others,
Boundaries healthy for itself,
Boundaries healthy for others,

What I like, what brings me joy,
What I suffer, what destroys,
What keeps me safe, what drains me,
what fills me with energy,

Let there be a clarity, for a safe haven within,
Let those loose who restrain, let them go,
it's ok, to be yourself, to stand by the soul,
for soul is the only eternal shine within!
for, it is the one to stand by you at all times!!

© Ankur