

The rantings of a broken soul
So I see him sitting there looking good that every fiber of my soul yearns to see him smile and to know that I the one that was forgotten and left for dead put that fucking smile on his face.
Does he know that he's the only fucking reason that I've ever felt safe and loved and human?
He probably wouldn't know because when I open my stupid ass mouth nothing but evil things come out. I don't mean to say those things but I've never been shown love by anybody that didn't take something from me.
They took my body my mind my fucking soul and I was just a child when they distorted my soul now I'm feeling these after-effects and it spilling out on the one person I want to be close to the only person who touched me the way I should have been touched not the way those demons touched me.
He touched my heart and dared me to live to love taught me to laugh at myself and not be ashamed.
Shame has torn me into a trillion little pieces but every day he puts me back together.
So I hold on the too dam right because I've never had anybody ever care for me that it starts to choke him and his instinct is to run, can't blame him but he comes back and gives me the only way he knows how.
Will someone please tell me why is God or fucking with me because I need this man and I'm bitching and fighting when all I wanna show him is love?
Tony I love about someone ;role me a long time ago I'm sorry