

Love billions of CEO husband Chapter 10
Tang Anni wore a white short shirt and beige trousers. She wore wristbands on her arms and kneepads on her knees. Her hair was tied up with a hairband. She looked like a typical sunny and beautiful boy with an unfathomable smile.
"Ai Li and Yixuan, I have prepared your wrist and knee pads. As for the clothes, Mrs. Bill has chosen the most youthful and popular styles!"
"Why are you dressed like this?" Zhan Aili blinked and asked in confusion°
"We are going to wear roller skates and go shopping in the shopping streets and delicious restaurants in Versailles." Tang Anni smiled leisurely and spoke calmly, as if all this was a common occurrence.
"Interesting°" Zhan Yixuan somewhat understands why Annie calls Princess Mustang. It turns out she has such interest!
"Brother Yixuan, you have never skated on roller skates before. You should think twice before you act to avoid skin injuries." Zhan Aili looked at him with her eyes.
"Men are not afraid of hardship, otherwise how could I build the Zhan family's business in the shopping mall!" Zhan Yixuan is determined to give it a try. He is a man who refuses to admit defeat!
"Then, change your clothes and meet at the restaurant in the Spring Hotel! I'll order some black forest cake and orange juice." Tang Anni went to the counter to order and left temporarily.
Annie, I will make this love game climax and never end dull. Zhan Yixuan put on light clothes, put on wrist and knee pads, took a deep breath, his eyes were filled with passion and firm determination. , after my sister Ai Li was also dressed and everything was ready, she came to the restaurant of Spring Hotel°
After they finished eating the Black Forest cake and orange juice and left the Spring Hotel, Tang Anni led the way into a street, and then started skating on roller skates.
"Wow!" Zhan Aili said loudly°
Zhan Yixuan is worthy of being a boy. Although it is his first time skating on roller skates, he seems calm and comfortable.°
He followed closely behind Tang Anni, smiling broadly, "I've learned how to skate on the inline skates that are now available for sale. Is there any reward?" Then, he asked for a reward shamelessly.
"Yes! A cup of rose tea°" Tang Anni smiled sweetly° "Delicious mango layer cake°" and continued walking until they stopped at an open-air afternoon teahouse at the corner°
It is now ten o'clock in the evening, and the night in Versailles is still busy with traffic and crowds of people. Zhan Yixuan feels incredible.
It turns out that this is Tang Anni’s country! Why is Tang Anni a wandering princess girl? The current king and queen will let their daughters travel far away from home and wander around! ? Suddenly Zhan Yixuan felt so distressed. He really wanted to see Tang Anni's smile. It was the first time he cared so much about a girl and he couldn't let go.
"What are you thinking about?" Tang Anni turned her head and said softly.
"Yeah. I miss you!" Zhan Yixuan starts his love game!
"Yes! Aili and I both like your brother!" Tang Anni's eyes dimmed, but she just couldn't forget his presence in her heart!
Zhan Yixuan is a good person who loves and protects his own sister. She is really happy to know him.
"I will finish all this food." The three of them sat down and the waiter immediately brought the menu to serve them. Ellie said softly.
"Rose tea for three people and mango layer cake for three people°" Tang Anni paid the bill on the spot, then smiled sweetly° "Don't worry, I'll treat you to this afternoon tea°"
When Ellie was chatting, her eyes were bright and she looked full of energy, "Annie, I didn't expect that the nickname "Mustang Princess" came from your love of roller skates. I'm really surprised!"
"Ai Li, don't you think that the nickname came out of your own initiative! Annie, I feel so happy and I'm even more looking forward to the next trip." Zhan Yixuan smiled, his tone of voice gentle and considerate, which made people reluctant to leave.
"Actually, it's not bad!" Tang Anni shook her head, then took a bite of the cake, and murmured sheepishly. "We'll see the crystal glass art exhibition later. This is a rare cultural exhibition in Versailles."
"Yeah. We, brother and sister, are really looking forward to it." The Zhan brothers and sisters said in unison.
"Of these crystal animal artworks, tigers and penguins are my favorite°" Zhan Aili took a photo with her mobile phone°
Their roller skates are kept in the locker in the lounge. Of course, the important wallets and IDs are always with them. After all, people should be careful when going out.
It's summer now, so the exhibition room is air-conditioned, and the temperature at night is very hot°
"Annie, we will also have a glass exhibition in Hsinchu, Taiwan. When you come to Taiwan, we can go and see it together." Zhan Yixuan suggested, "This is our agreement!"
Promise! It feels like making a vow of eternal love, so romantic! Tang Anni blushed, there was a trace of hesitation in her eyes, and she answered cautiously: "When I hold my sixteenth-year-old coming-of-age ceremony and be awarded the princess crown, I may not be able to make my decision freely."
"If possible, I will still go to Taiwan to meet you. I miss Ai Li very much too." Tang Anni suddenly changed the topic, her voice was serious, and she made way for a middle-aged blond woman in a black dress.
"Princess, you are entertaining your friends! Don't go home too late!" The middle-aged blond woman greeted the leader and walked gracefully to the exhibition area at the other end on high heels.
"Who is she?" Zhan Aili felt an indescribable sense of hostility coming from a middle-aged blond woman.
"We are a constitutional monarchy, and the real person in power in the palace is the Prime Minister." Tang Anni said briefly.
"That woman just now?" Zhan Yixuan immediately figured out the clue and said to the point.
"Yeah." Tang Anni nodded.
In an instant, their interest was disrupted by the middle-aged blonde woman.© ppop9000