

How 'Mummy' Broke My Virginity [part 2]
Standing right infront of me was Rebecca, as naked as I've ever seen a girl her age. She was wearing a faded pink strapless brassiere and a translucent black underpants. In full glory was her beautiful curvy figure. Her slender waist, accentuated by her voluptuous hips and bountiful curves, creates an alluring hourglass shape. Her glowing dark Nzema skin looks smooth and supple as it covers her ample bust, defined calves, and toned arms. All these features combine to create a stunning and seductive silhouette.
"Junior, your uniform will be crumpled. Hang it over there", she said, pointing to a chair. Timidly, I unbuttoned my black-collared, sea-blue oversized shirt while she brushed past me and sat down sighing. I took the shirt off, leaving on my black undervest and blue-black shorts. I went back to my seat after hanging the shirt on the chair. I turned to the screen to watch the movie, but I was shocked by what my eyes were seeing. The Chinese Iron Monkey my classmates has be yarning about, that I have to grown to love and anticipated, was not what I was seeing. The opening scene started with a couple embracing in a passionate embrace, as they kiss passionately. They undress each other, caressing each other's body and exploring it with their hands. The intensity of the moment increases until they both gave into the pleasure of love-making. The camera lingers on them as they move together in perfect harmony, making love with a sensual urgency that transcends all expectations.
Apparently, Rebecca had switched the Chinese movie for an American "blue film". I was so innocent that I had never seen such an explicit movie before. I blushed when the movie started and could barely take my eyes off of it as the plot unraveled. Even though I felt embarrassed and somewhat guilty for watching such an explicit film, there was something captivating about it that held me there in front of the TV. My eyes widened as the woman on screen moved provocatively, and my heart pounded as I heard her moans of pleasure. I felt a strange thrill deep inside me that I had never felt before, a sensation of both fear and excitement that made me unable to look away. As the scenes grew more intimate, my palms began to sweat and my breathing became rapid. Never had I been so aroused and captivated by anything before in my life. This movie was like a drug, taking me further and further down an enticing path until I reached a place where it was hard to turn back from.
Rebecca had been moving her body closer and closer to me, I felt her hand delicately touching my arm, slowly brushing against it as if she is caressing me. She began unhooking my belt and unzipped my shorts, looking hungrily into my eyes as I watched in terror. She pulled down my shorts and briefs, then her underwear, and forced herself on top of me, letting out a deep guttural groan as our skin met for the first time. My heart raced, and my breath became shallow with both fear and excitement as she leaned closer, the warmth of her breath reaches my neck and her fingertips danced over my skin. My heart starts to beat even faster and I can feel myself growing aroused by her gentle movements. She whispered something in my ear that I could not understand, but I didn't question it, as my desire had taken over. I closed my eyes and gave into the sensations she was giving me as her lips started tracing a path along my jawline. With a force of passion, she pins me down on the couch, removing all possibility of escape. My eyes widened in shock as I felt myself begin to enter her, a pain shooting through me like lightning. My eyes fluttered open with fear but at the same time desire; this beautiful girl has completely taken control over me and I could do nothing but surrender to the pleasure that awaits me. As we both lay entwined on the couch together, she kisses every inch of my body passionately until all I could do was beg for more in my mind. She rode me slowly like an experienced cowgirl; her body arching above me in an attempt to make every sensation stronger than before. A flood of ecstasy washed through me, intensifying with each passionate movement she made. I could sense the feeling of power that she experienced was indescribable. Eventually she had had enough and let me go. She scrambled off the couch, picking up her underpants smugly, and gave one last satisfied smirk.
"Now you will never forget me", she said.

© Quabena Reazon