

Town Travel....
I'm Rosy
world so cold my love so cosy
here I'm to tell you something
maybe not so good for you might it nothing!
i fall in quarrel with my Father
he's against my love,
but without her i can't think further!

i told him...
it's not sin its love
I tried but couldn't her i shove
I want her and I'll be
I don't belive in He/ She
being you're inhuman! aren't you feared?
I'm just being me and saying you I'm weird!
if I've to i will to you defy
will be with her its my decision you can't deny!
if am sinner or that bad
am going to leave this house don't be sad!

Was vexed left my house
it was best things I was shouse
wish to be disappeared want to hide
got a bus at midnight to i ride
Reluctantly i dropped off
was stuped was i Goff

i arose....
was feeling blue
where I reached hadn't any clue
clouds of jitter bursted on me
everythings so unusual They/He/ She
it's the place where...
Toddler could run
like elders they might had fun
newbie were talking
on theire feet were walking
were brushing their teeth
how to believe this it wasn't even feith!

kids were out to earn
in this age they knew everything they didnt need to learn
elders went to school
was that joke? they all were making me fool?
old fellow crawling on the earth
were regretting! got to birth
ladies couldn't cook
didn't know how to read book
girls were better
they're intellectual they knew the matter
all were naked
still walking freely wasn't they caged
they hadn't any lust
only with partner,was it must
they had no greed
my God!such a unique breed
all the time they did smile
sorrow gave em bile
over death they not cried
I gave my best in every way i tried
honestly loyalty in their veins
only know love for hate they hadn't any brain

was gazing at em was so confused
to see someone like me they're not to used
elderly man crawled to me shouting in laugh
his errie smile killed me half
newbie in happiness was furious
for them i might be injurious
at me they all flocked
what's happening was i shocked
were the pleased saying me to stop
was to em not for me was it skop
i ran for my life
became unbelievable scenario of strife
in a walked of distance whole day passed
my world is slow or they're too fast!
howling shouting of laugh
filled the air
to go where?no way here there!
suddenly that bus arrived from nowhere
he's angel for me came somewhere!
someone dragged me inside
left those chortle that world that town
finally I behind......

© Old_Soul