

The Legend of sigma wolf part 1

© Dimitrant

The destroyed buildings and the broken iron bars surrounding the area where my pack lives give the impression of a strange protective wall. I walk with all the courage I have. However, as I approach, the turmoil spreads throughout my blood. My breath cuts short, and my knees weaken. I fear that my plan will not succeed. I pray to Diana, the moon goddess, to help me. I stand up straight and walk. My steps are proud and powerful.
The atmosphere smells of sulfur and incense. Poisonous purple and red vapors rise into the atmosphere. The silver sky breaks from the golden lines of the sun. I rejoice when I reach our forest and finally breathe the refreshing atmosphere of the pines and wildflowers. Wildflowers used to be my solace. They helped me focus on their beauty and escape from the negative thoughts and melancholy that were ready to drown my kindness and optimism in seconds. I would get lost for hours in the forests to collect them. They were my solace but also my excuse to hide and avoid becoming the victim that everyone unleashed upon me.

I couldn't understand why I had to endure all this cruelty. I knew I had not harmed a single person from our tribe and that I did not deserve this treatment. Yet, most remained silent when they did not participate, silently watching.
Their silence showed their agreement with what was happening before their eyes.

After gathering, I went straight to the healer. I preferred it to returning home.
The delicious elk liver or the juicy fresh steaks which she offered me, were much better than the stale, dirty scraps my family people offered to deceive my hunger. I don't know what I would do, without her.
It was common in our pack for our members to gather herbs and flowers and bring them to her. However, that stopped when she chose me as her assistant, approved by the Royal family.
From that moment on, she only accepted what I gathered and rejected any other offering if it wasn't mine. She even rejected offers from the queen without fear of consequences.
Her only reaction to grandeur was to slightly lower her head and leave silently. The next day, her son beat me in front of my house door. It was his revenge for the insult he received because of me towards his mother. It was the only time he was justified in his behavior.
Even today after years, I cannot with certainty say why the Red Wolves Shaman offered me that so sacred and honorable position back then. I was nothing, and only my grandmother believed until her death that I had power within me and would be able to discern when the right time came. It was a surprise to me that someone else believed I was worthy.
Perhaps it was a way to protect and save me from the anger of Alpha Nikosian and his "puppies". Since no one dared to challenge the prince of the wolves and future king, most of us lived under his terror. While his parents, who should have been responsible for the harmony and proper functioning of our society, pretended to be deaf and blind. I knew what scum he was.
The marks on my body from the bites and bruises did not allow me to forget.
However, I was so blind and in love.
I tried to justify him, blaming myself even when I wasn't at fault.
When someone was accused behind his back, I was always ready to defend him.
Since childhood, I knew he was my mate, and I awaited the day when the mating moon would reveal the truth to him. I was seven years old when in my eyes, right on my iris, a primal royal mark formed. A crescent moon painted in the colors of blood and gold disappeared. However, when I delayed my transformation and did not exhibit any supernatural characteristics that even the lowest lycanthrope normally has, my parents and everyone in the pack considered me a burden. I am sure if they could have killed me, they would have done it already. I knew he was my match. I wished he had never found out. On the day of mating, the werewolves find their mate by scent, the song they sing to the moon, unique for each pair, and the animal magnetism they exert on each other. It is a force that prevents you from mating with any other partner except your own. If you try to resist, you may die.
It was our first time. I knew that whatever happened was right. But if I had known what would happen, I would have locked myself away in a dark place with a double lock. Even if I screamed from pain and lack of him.
I let my mind travel to the past and remember every detail, his anger, his frenzy, the attack I suffered after our intimate completion. But also the words full of mockery and rejection he told me when he visited me in the infirmary. He wanted to know exactly how I had deceived him. He added wounds on top of my wounds. But finally, I survived his anger and violence,
when the only person who had shown some interest in me, realized that I was in danger and that I should escape as quickly as possible.
My escape happened at noon when everyone was asleep and powerless. Elsa, my mentor and teacher in herb usage, and the healer of our tribe, sent me to the temple of the Wolf Guards, the white wolves, and placed me under the protection of the queen-priestess of the temple and her twin sister.
It was strange to see Elsa not with her red hair as I knew her.
But with hair white as snow and a silver and blue crown adorning them. Silvermoon became the mother I never had. Tender and caring when we were at the temple, harsh and fair during training. The training with her and the endless discussions with her had unlocked the powers I had not only in my body but also in the spirit of the wolf. However, I knew I couldn't stay there forever. I decided to return and put an end to the dominance of the New Alpha. To be the first to resist his arrogant madness. In two months, the mating moon would appear again, and the animal magnetism would force us to unite once more.

However, I came with important information. If Alpha  betrayed  or denied his Luna in the first ceremony, she has the right to resist killing her mate in the second or take away his power and degrade him. If this happens, the betrayed mate takes the Alpha's place. I had two months until my plans were completed.

My parents see me and run towards me. I signal them to stop with my hand. With my head and gaze, I indicate for them to understand that they are hindering me and it would be better for them to leave my path. They do not rejoice at seeing me. They learned like everyone in the pack about the letter sent by the WhiteWolves' queen to the Royal family of Redwolves. When they believed I was Omega, they considered me a burden, but now that they learned I have the blood of an Alpha, they suddenly loved me. I cannot bear their hypocrisy.

I continue to walk, and finally, I reach the large cabin I requested to be granted. Here, I will offer my services shortly. After, of course, making some changes. Within four years, I had left my parent's house. Goddess Diana, the goddess of death, rebirth, and the moon took Elsa close to her. I will take her place (but nobody will take her situation in my heart).
They may not have treated me well, but within the pack were pups and innocent individuals who had lost much and were hurting because of the Alpha and needed me. I would be there for them.
Innocent werewolves are the only reason this place was still standing.
But they can't stop me forever.