

The Silent Wings
Amma opens her room's door and smiles broadly by saying, "Ahh! waah loveliest day. I feel this day especially made for me."

She runs in fast down the stairs happily opens the door of house. The phone is ringing she attended by saying, "I am happy alot mummy as you are finally coming to meet me."

She's so excited while speaking couldn't see the car and when she turns around the car goes through her. She jumps to a high sky and falls down at the street, with the phone falls to far away from her.

She while with pain try to stretch her hand to mobile but couldn't able to make it towards there and her eyes with pain closes saying, "Mummmy..." (deep slow tone)

She's in a hospital, where Dr. outside the operation theater said to Amma's mom, "Sorry ma'am but I don't say a lie, there are 99% chances that Amma will die, (Mom sits at her knees down).  Nurse picks her shoulder, "Please ma'am try to control yourself."

Amma's mom with cry opens her palm broadly saying, "Hey god please do some mercy on my daughter. Let her fortune to be changed."

Amma is laying there her heart beat is almost going to be over. In the operation threater during her operation, nurse said, "Dr. she's..."

Dr. looks at her with great pause, shake his head, "We have to tell her mom.."

Dr. goes out and said, "Ma'am (Mom stands up immediately with hope) Sorry we couldn't save her."

She falls down at floor and his body is not able to move even.

Amma is laying at the bed alone in operation threater nurse covers her face with white bed sheet, a wind comes there from where no one knows and bed sheet instantly flew away from her face. Aside her a black owl is sitting there and from his one eye, a drop of tear falls. The nurse opens the door by coming back screams out aloud, The black owl looks at the woman and instantly bite at the neck of Amma. Dr. comes and throw a box in his hand at owl. The owl turns behind and stare in a very strange manner. The owl runs out from operation threater. People by looking at it starts to shout, Dr. said, "How does it get inside?"

From the outer window, the black owl flew away. The nurse point at the ECG saying, "Dr...., ha..ve you... seee..."

Dr. turns around said to nurse, "Wait! I am coming after chec....."

Amma is breathing and her heart beat starts to work. Dr. runs towards Amma and checks her pulse rate looking at nurse in shocked, "She's alive, (pauses) starts her operation."

The operation starts, after a while Dr. said with smile, "We have saved your daughter."

Amma mom's smiles happily by thanking to God spread her palm on her face. She looks inside there, Amma is laying. Her mom with smiles sits aside her, place her hand gently at her hand, her eyes with tears goes to the cut mark at her neck, "Sweetie sorry! how harsh the accident was, I never leave you again. From now onwards you're going to live with me."

Amma smiles slightly while her eyes closed.

After a day, she's in her house by seeing at Amma no one say that yesterday she hits so badly by a car.

Amma is standing at the door of her room hanging her bag on her arms, "See, I am fine."

Her mom in panic, "But you comes yesterday not even take more rest..."

Amma: Not more rest... Mummmmy.. please Being at bed my back starts to pain.

She's going out of her house, her mom snatches her hand to stop. She feels, "Sorry Amma..."

But there wasn't a single injury present on Amma yet.

Amma smiles, "I am fine don't you feel. I have to go to my University back otherwise I got lost in my studies.."

Mom said, "Amma sorry but from now onwards you're not allowing to go in University. (She looks at her with shocked) Being to study here you only comes away from me but after this incident you go anywhere but being with me only. We are going back to our town. Please understand my feelings too."

Amma is standing still. Her mom puts hand at her shoulder, "After a week we are going be ready for it."

When Amma's friend, Julie knows about this, she comes to take her for a healthy time outside. Her mom allowed on the force of Julie, also she understands that how much craze to study here Amma have.. Being with Julie, she might feels happy.

The car arrived Julie, calls aloud from car, "Hey Amma comes fast..."

She opens the door hugs to Amma and her mom.

Amma by waving her hand to mummy turns around to leave with Julie, feels someone is peeping her from behind the tree, she being curious focuses there, there's no one actually right now.

Amma ignores, "May be it's my illusion."

Julie said, "Comes fast in car.."

Amma feels a shiver in her whole body as the whole hitting by car scene resume and repeat in her mind.

Her friend calls out loudly, "Amma why are you coming fast like a snail. Please come fast.." (presses the horn)

Amma fingers shivers by listening the horn's sound she closes her eyes and her body and legs is not allowing to face the car.

© NabiaSajid