

Rei's Dark Genesis

Tern, a planet home to diverse flora and fauna, was known for its massive trees and plants, some bearing sweet fruits and others toxic. Birds of varying sizes inhabited the skies, and the intelligent species known as the Kuras, The Kuras, the intelligent species native to Tern, possess a distinctive appearance. They resemble humans in many aspects, with similar facial features, torso, and arms. However, their legs are notably different. Instead of the typical human legs, the Kuras have elongated, muscular limbs that are slightly bent backwards at the knee, resembling the legs of certain animals like kangaroos or large birds. This unique leg structure gives them an impressive ability to leap and run at great speeds, adapted to the varied terrain of Tern.

Their skin tones range from earthy browns to deep greens, providing natural camouflage in their forested and mountainous habitat. Kuras have large, expressive eyes that come in vibrant colours like emerald green, sapphire blue, and golden yellow, giving them keen eyesight, especially in low light conditions. Their hair tends to be thick and flowing, often in shades of dark brown, black, or even a deep green, blending seamlessly with their surroundings.

Kuras are also known for their intricate, nature-inspired tattoos that adorn their bodies. These tattoos, often glowing faintly in the dark, symbolise their connection to the planet's flora and fauna and are believed to hold spiritual significance. The combination of their unique physical traits and cultural adornments makes the Kuras a striking and enigmatic species, The government, ran by the Kuras, controlled most of the resources and the other major places where they get revenue from, to satisfy there needs. Mostly they don't care about other Kuras, but they care enough to ran the goverment smoothly.

On the planet Tern, there is a foreboding and mysterious landmark shrouded in legend and peril. It’s called the Hidden Mountain of Death Rising sharply against the sky, the mountain is veiled in a perpetual mist, giving it an eerie, almost ethereal appearance. The air around it is thick with toxic gases, remnants of the planet's once-vibrant flora now transformed into a hazardous, deadly atmosphere.

The mountain's exterior is jagged and craggy, with sharp, angular rocks jutting out at irregular intervals. The rocks themselves are a dark, almost black stone, interspersed with veins of a strange, luminous mineral that gives off a faint, ghostly glow. This ominous glow adds to the mountain's sinister reputation, as it can be seen from miles away, even through the thick mist.

At the base of the mountain, the landscape is barren, with twisted, skeletal remains of trees and plants that have long since succumbed to the poisonous environment. No signs of life can be found here, and the silence is almost deafening, broken only by the occasional rumble from deep within the mountain . Any creatures who ventured there, never returned. To the point the government has restricted anyone to go there without a pass.

One day, a couple decided to investigate the mountain despite warnings from locals and security officers there since they saw that his wife was pregnant. But they showed a special permission to the security officer , indicating they were ordered by the government.
A local man, who had lost his family to the mountain, warned them not to go. He explained how he lost his family there ,so he lived there to keep people away from the mountain. but their determination was unwavering. Expecting a baby soon, they wanted to complete this mission for a happy future together.
Therefore, they headed to the mountain accompanied by a security officer.

As they approached the mountain, the air grew thick with poison. Wearing protective masks, they pressed on until they reached the heart of the mountain . They are mesmerised by the sight of countless bright, shining stones. But suddenly, the door behind them slammed shut. They turned around, seeing the door closed without any gap.,the couple become nervous and the officer panicked .The security officer, in his panic, tried to escape by running as fast as he can, butthe terrain of inside the mountain is slippery. He slipped and his leg got hurt, yet he still tried to run. but then a boulder fell from the cave roof and he was crushed to death. The couple was terrified.

In the midst of the frightening situation, Suddenly disembodied a voice echoed, “You cannot escape. Answer my question correctly, and you may leave with the Curl Stone.”
The couple were more terrified by hearing it. The voice asked them the question and husband's answered “hope”, and the voice, satisfied with the answer, pointed out where the Curl stone is, in the top left corner of the cave.. They feel relieved and excited to get the Curl stone. However, when the husband touched it, poison start spreading into his body. this poison was coming from the Curl stone the whole mountain is filled with this poison,his body began decaying from the poison.

His wife tried to save him but he already passes away, since she touched him, the poison from his body spreading to her, his wife cut off her own hand to prevent the poison from spreading to her. In the end, she fled, prioritising her baby’s safety leaving the Curl Stone behind.

She was fighting for her life for 2 more months. ,in the third month where the time of childbirth came, she can't bear it anymore and despite doctors' efforts, she succumbed to the poison. Her baby, magically delivered safe and healthy, infused with the poison that made anyone who touch him rotting to death. Because of that, no one wanted him.

Out of nowhere the local man, who warned the couple before, showed up, stating he was willing to take this child,his own body resistant to the poison due to his research on the antidote for poison found in hidden mountain.
He named the boy Rei. Growing up, Rei faced isolation at school, the teachers instructed other children to stay away from him. Despite this, Rei remained kind and caring towards other, due to the man's kindness and love.At fifteen, when the noble man (the local men who Rei loved like his own father passed away, Rei was left utterly devasted and alone.

Rei becomes the new guardian of the mountiam now ,one night, Rei saw a tall person wearing strange cloth was trying to enter the Hidden Mountain. “Stop, please,” Rei called out.

“Why?” the person responded.

“You can't go there,” Rei insisted.

“I can go wherever I want,” the stranger replied. Rei was surprised by the confidence in his tone.

"don't you know what this place is? ,you can't come back once you enter. this is not something you can go as you will” Rei warned.

“I love danger,” the person lightly said.
“Who even are you?,I am warning you, please don't go there” Rei warned him.

“My name is Yaduro and you will respect this name soon.”Yaduro said arrogantly.

“Why would I?” Rei was baffled.

“I can sense it; my senses are usually accurate,” He continued cryptically. “Do you have an ability?”

Rei was suspiciously looking at Yaduro he was thinking that this person is kind of weird.
“No, I don’t. He lowered his head. ”Maybe I’m useless” he add in a whisper.

Yaduro thought he was hiding something so he decided to touch him when Rei quickly avoid his touch “Stop! You will die if you touch me.”

“Why? something going to happened if I touch you?” Yaduro inquired.

“My body is filled with poison.”

“Can you manipulate it?” Yaduro asked.

Rei was surprised, “No, I can’t, and I don’t want to.”,he replied calmly. He doesn't want it because he hate his ability as it makes everyone hate him.

Yaduro said with a smirk on his face “You’ve lost your way. If you want, I can help you.”

Rei was taken aback; confused. “Why would you do that?” he asked.

“I sense something inside you. You have many potential, it is a waste for you to stay here. This planet is bad for you. Why don’t you come with me? unless you have anyone here?”


“Then come with me,” Yaduro demand “I don’t think anyone here cares about you.”Yaduro said like he know from his experience.
The atmosphere there become still. Rei suddenly remembered his past, he was lost in thoughts about what happened in his past. ,he start thinking he might get a better life. he can also able to make friends and live a happy life .

After thinking for some time, Rei finally decided to leave with Yaduro.

Under Yaduro's tutelage, Rei trained daily for practising his ability to use his poison ,Yaduro have also teach him telekinesis so he can hold things without touching them. Several years later he has mastered his abilities.

One day, Yaduro announced, “It’s time to go back to your planet.”

Rei was surprised by hearing this“I’m not ready,” he replied with confusion.

“We aren’t going for the Curl Stone. We will destroy your planet.”

“What?!” Rei was shocked, he never wanted to do anything like that, the people he love now he have to kill them.

“Yes, don’t let those who hurt you live. The government who sent your parents to the mountain for their greed. They’ve sent many agents there.”

“How do you know all this?”Rei asked surprisingly. “Why you never tell me this before?”
“You know it's important to research about a planet before going there ,after all I can't take any risk” ,Yaduro replied.
“But what did other people do?” Rei asked.

“Like any other species, Kuras are filled with greed. They’re selfish, obsessed with their personal gain.” Yaduro replied.

“Still those are my people, and it is my planet. How will I just accept your order.,I love those people even if they never support me" Rei argued.
Yaduro laughed ,”you are still a young boy you know, not mature enough to make the right decisions. Well, whether you help me or not your planet will be destroyed by me or the Kuras themselves. come with me.”

Yaduro take Rei into a dark room where there's a big screen
“let me show you what's going on your planet”
Tthe big screen was showing various locations of Tern where some peoples are working on a project to spread poisonous gas into the water,food and air. Yaduro explained that in the past, they are part of a rebellion group who think that if Curl stone remained on this planet then everyone will die ,

At one time the government allowed them to explore the mountain but whenever they go inside it a tragedy happened in local area around the mountain, so in the end, the government banned any individual or group from entering there, only those permitted by the government can go there.
Rei was stunned by watching all of this,he didn't actually know what to do,he sat there on a chair and was very upset by knowing what happened in Tern.

Rei, swayed by Yaduro’s words, finally agreed. Together, they unleashed the cosmic poison, destroying every creature in Tern.