

Infidelity and death.
The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he had killed her...

Dring! Dring!

"Steve speaking, how may I help you?" he asks, making sure to make no mistake in showing how confused and terrified he was. "Jeez, no need to be so formal honey, dinner is in a few minutes. Wrap up and come home please." confused, and not knowing what to do he dropped the call and looked back at the lifeless lady. "Why did you have to get pregnant? If it wasn't for that stupid baby you were by gonna want to tell Vanessa.....you'd still be alive Martha." he says in a tone of grief and guilt. He started panicking and thinking of what to do with Martha's body and that's when he decided to set the Wendy house on fire.

25 minutes later......

"Honey I'm home!" he told himself that he would stay calm and collected, making sure not to make Vanessa suspicious of anything. "He babe, dinners on the table, how was work." she asks noticing that something isn't right with him. Vanessa knew Steve so we'll, she could tell when something was wrong. On top of that, her third eye gave her the ability to see things before they happen. So let's just say she saw everything but east sure she was right. "Work was work sweetie, I'm really tired I need to sleep. I love you Vanessa, with all my heart and I'm so sorry." with that, he stood up and left.

"What if the police fine Martha's corpse in the Wendy house you burnt down?" Vanessa asks with tears in her eyes. "You cheated on me.....and then after that you kill Martha, and the innocent child. Do you see what you've done?! not I my did you ruin this marriage, but you also robbed a child and a mother of their life." at this point Vanessa is full on crying and Steve is still in shock of the fact that his wife knows everything.

"You thought I couldn't have kids, and decided to make one outside this marriage. Why'd you kill her then?! Why Steve?"

"I fucking had to Vanessa! I had to, and Im sorry." He says looking at Vanessa with sad eyes.

"I'm pregnant."



"Mr Steve Hunter, you are under arrest for the murder of Martha Morris.


© Q.teepie