

Something Sinister.
When you start to wake up from that dream, that eventually turned into a nightmare. When all you can recall before, the final moments of it all begins to fade, is …
Running across your old primary school playground and primary school playing field, where a few young boys were playing catch or that feeling of another ball game of some sort.
You continued to run pass them, gradually taking yourself away from that regular everyday reality of life. Then soon enough, you’ve ran into the hidden dens, the ones towards the back of the field where the building sits.
All because you wanted your coat. You somehow had a feeling that it might be in that building, but in the end. You still never find that out.
As the person that you are running into there with, is all apart of the ploy, to get you there. They end up leading you there.
Then when you enter the building, the corridors fall into each other, as they all look so similar. They are so easy to become lost in. The when you hear a woman say to some other people in that same building.
You suddenly hear the words… “We Have Another American!” Then come, those sudden feelings of …Spine - Tingling Cringe, Dread and Sheer - Doom, as they just take a hold of your whole being. Both internally and externally. Then from that sudden feeling of something sinister, you just know. You just know that, you are never going to see the living daylight ever again. Because, this is where your life is going to suddenly end.
Then all you want to do is open your eyes and wake up. Wake up, as quickly as you can. From this this dream that has somehow turned, into a nightmare. A nightmare, where you could see a woman giving you to much of an unnatural smile, one of the sinister kind. Then quickly accompanied by those chilling words… “We Have Another American!”
Followed by the haunting and yet most unsettling of tunes.
That tune, still plays in your head a short while after waking up from this sinister feeling of a nightmare.
Then slowly that tune begins to fade, from your moments of awakening, thankfully. Where you can’t even recall the creepy, musical notes of it anymore.
Then suddenly… when thinking back on it all. When you know you are safely awake.
You begin to recall certain scenes from it, bit by bit. All like pieces of a jumbled up jigsaw puzzle. With hundreds of pieces to it. That still require it being pieced all together. Then just when you think you can send it off to the dream catcher,
that sudden nightmare. That once began as a gentle dream.
That dreamful state that tricked you into a false sense of security.
Leaving you with only a feeling of unsettling, both emotionally and physically. With an uncomfortable sense of misplacement in an unfamiliar place. Alongside some scarily - chilling words and a sinister tune in the background.
Which in turn, all echo an extremely untrustworthy personal energy attached to a woman with the most insincere of smiles.
It’s amazing how some dreams can feel so very lucid.
So very real, when you are dreaming them. Then when you have that sudden sense of dream sleep awareness of personal, human survival.
From a few chilling hours of REM, that calls out to you.
That feeling of gratitude, from
finally awakening from it all, comes with such an internal sense of thankfulness.
An inner thankfulness, that no one else, would ever believe.
Unless of course, they had literally had experienced, that same lucid dream state of REM for themselves, just like you did.


© Josephine Daniels.