

love and loyalty
" bucky this isn't you . bucky no longer exist. " yes he does remember flower she misses you. flower is she ,she's okay bucky ans she remembers you. she walks to him " I know he hurt you bucky ,I know you hate him so do I but please don't do this for her sake ." you left me flower. if I left you then why would I woop this octopuses behind daily . It is so that someday he'll be in hand cuffs and behind bars .he collapses in her arms crying . shhh it's okay bucky it's okay, skull can't hurt you anymore . Your safe bucky she says holding his face. thor ,Clint, natasha,tony steve take redskull prisoner. " Brooklynn he's a threat says Clint. My husband is just broken a cause that shit stain .I'm glad his brains half fried now he knows how it feels she says defensively. steve I'm taking him to camp Lehigh.

at camp
I'm sorry ,I'm sorry he screams .she sings the healing enchantment from tangled . she kisses him every 13 seconds . letting him know he's safe and home .

© indy the indomidatble princess