

God Like Shell.
All Merideth’s life she had been on the receiving end of other people’s unfair opinions, unkind judgements, and hostile comments. Due to being an extremely sensitive soul, she was always strongly affected by this, on an emotional level. She came to learn through the years that it wasn’t actually her creating this at times controlling and bullying like behaviour as she was the one on the receiving end of it, from various people that she had come to crossed paths with in her life. Due to Merideth’s inverted personality it was so easy for others to emotionally upset and manipulate her on many levels. She had learned to grow a hard shell, due to certain people at times that wanted to work her to their own advantage. These people all had one thing in common, they used emotional & neurological torment to always control and manipulate each situation, they were actually extremely cruel and extremely unhappy genius. The unhappiness in their own lives, was something that they had never faced deep down. That would linger around for it’s feed like a vampire who needed human blood to drain on. to help it continue on it’s unnatural journey of the undead.
So, these people that that Merideth would at times come across on her life’s path, would give her that uncomfortable and drain her emotionally, as a way for them to continue living in the way that they did. Monsterous people acting with such hostility and horrific behaviour, all disguised in a human body, with a missing soul.
Some many times, when Meredith would give another chance, in the hope that they’d redeem themselves in some way. She was often met with ignorance, denial and continued hostility all encased in a god like shell.
She walking away from these people in her life, was the most honest and logical thing she could do to maintain her own self - worth and self- esteem, that had been so often shot down, due to other people’s behaviours and the negative impact that they had had in her life, when had the sad misfortune to experience them in her everyday, in some way or another.
Merideth would often say to herself, “ It’s so easy for other people to presume so many random things about you. When they don’t know you or understand you, like you truly know and understand yourself.”
Deep inside, Merideth always felt so very sorry for those types of people who would control, judge, randomly presume things about those people who were felt such a strong compulsion to continually focus on.
Merideth understood that their behaviours, was always the same form of feeling and an action of neglect and denial from their own lives. So much so, that they need to transfer their everyday view from within, they would simply project their own internal unhappiness that stemmed from their uncleansed and hateful minds onto others. This was a way to constantly escape from themselves. From their own inward denials of their own living torments and all of those demons that lived inside them. This type of people would never and could never, face up to themselves during their own lifetime.
Due to a hidden fear, that dwelled so very deep within them and that slowly eat away at them day by day by day.


© Josephine Daniels.