

Women's day
N. B This is a work of fiction, it isn't a real life story.

She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she.
She didn't allow anything thing to stop her from achieving her goal. Five years ago Regina wanted to do something that seemed almost impossible in Africa.

She wanted to bring a change to South Africa. She wanted to give the women and girls of Kenya the freedom and rights they deserve. So she made up her mind to be a president. So that the girls could go to school and achieve her dreams too.

She was very lucky that her husband was right beside her during every hurdle. She went to the elections for the first time, but she didn't get in. She went the second time, she didn't get in. The third time, people started mocking this herione. They told her she couldn't do it because she was a woman.

The fourth time, guess what! She failed once again. But she only got stronger everytime she failed. Even her husband began to loose in everything, even God. Her husband divorced her because of her dream and the way people talked about them. But she didn't stop making research, she didn't stop praying to God for her success.

She went the for the very last time and she was chosen as the president of South Africa! She is a role model to every woman out there. She made her children proud. Now every girl child in S. A looks up to her. And that's how a day was for celebrating all women in South Africa, women's day.

© Dairo