

The unknown mee
11:45 pm 23/7/1991 (place Darako)

Raj you know, there are two types of people in these world. First one who let things go as they forgets, and the other one who let things go so that they can forget. Do you know in which group I belong to? Yeah right I belong to the second one, and this is the secret of being happy in your life, this is what I have learned from my life.

Ya ya I know that Anush, you have said me this story more than hundred times, can I go now I'm getting late. No Raj you don't know let me say you, you know even today I regret that moment every time I close my eyes I... I...!! Hay who is out there Raj stop him Raj! Anush stop yelling here is no one except you and me. You had drunk to much I think you should go to bed now and I need to go home. No Raj believe me I saw him. He was there and looking at me the moment I saw him he.. he just he... WHAT DISAPPEARED please Anush please!! Stop thinking so much please, look at yourself once. Why don't you just understand that , what hade happened you couldn't stop that. What have to happen it will happen. You have your full life in front of you don't west it.

Raj you don't believe me right as no one did. You think I'm a mad guy who have nothing to do rather than simple setting in home drinking full day night. Right you think so right! COME-ON SAY SOMETHING RAJ, I'm asking you. Anush come down we will talk tomorrow. No I won't, I want the answer right now right here. Anush you know I believe you that's why I'm with you. When everyone has left you, I care for you I'm your well-wisher. What you care for me (with a funny reaction) you don't care for me you care for my money, we care for my wealth. What did you thought I didn't know it you asshole.
Just shut up your mouth it's enough, you know why you are alone that's not because of what had happened, it's because of your behavior. And what did you just said a asshole, yes you are right I'm a asshole that I come back to you again and again, and what are you saying I care for your money I care for your wealth you Know what you can't buy everything by money. And I wish I should not come back again. Yes go away I don't need you. Get out of my house and from my life.

11:45 am 23/07/2020 (place Warmor)

So you throw out Raj from your life? What happened next? And who was the person you saw? Keep patience dear. You know we say understanding people is very difficult but that's not true, Understanding yourself knowing about yourself is much more difficult then other. Because we keep changing, it may not be possible to understand by yourself. As we keep defending ourself from the challenge of our life and on this process challenge mold us in a totally different person, with new desire, new mentality. And you know the most funny part of it that 'thise things are happening with you but you yourself never come to know'.

2:45am 24/07/1991 (place Darako)

Time is going to repeat itself again, and you can do nothing, you cannot stop happening to happen. Come on get up Anush, are you out of your mind. What have you done the only friend you had you treated him this way, do you have any idea about Raj how much he felt bad. Go right now to him and ask him to forgive you. And don't come back home without convincing him. I reached Raj's home within 10 minutes. I could see one or two lights are still on which was nothing like to be unexpected. I didn't knock the door as I know it's was locked nor I did wait for morning as I knew Raj haven't slept and he must be drinking and regretting for what happened. He must be blaming himself for what happened. So I walked through the garden towers his bedroom window which he keep open. I entered and went direct to the drowning room. What I saw inside it couldn't be real I know it's a dream, everything is going to be all right as the dream gets end. Ho please please God don't make it real please let it be a dream. When the hell this dream going to end. What was that where am I, it took few minutes to recognize that I'm in my bedroom, I don't know how when I came in. My full body was wet with sweat It seems as if I have taken a shower and the water didn't drayed. But the thing which worried me that I was dressed as if I was about to go somewhere or I have arrived from some where. But I couldn't remember any such things. Then I remembered the argument between me and Raj, next the dream. After that I didn't wait for a second to move towards my car. I drove as first as I could reached within 10 to 12 minutes. I went in with the window. I don't know of what I was scared of as if some unknown force is pushing me back stoping me to move forward. Any how I made my way to drowning room. I couldn't believe my eyes. Every organ of my body experiencing the same things once again. I saw Raj is laying upon the floor facing downward, and blood sprayed all around his body. "Raj Raj talk to me please you are the only friend I have I can't afford to lose you". I cried, But no response came from Raj. I don't knew what went through my mind I ran out of the house till I reached my home, and locked me inside.

2:45pm 23/07/2020 (Warmor)

So your friend was murdered by someone.

This time I have many questions in my mind let me ask one by one.

- Who was the person you saw?

- What is the thing you regrat for?

- Had any suspicious things happened in your past life?

- From when and how you know Raj?

- What do you mean by time is going to repeat itself again and you can't stop the happenings to happen?

- Who killed Raj?

Story to be continued..,
© JP haldar