

A Raccoon family short story
I was driving on the highway and headed out south of town one early morning. The windows of the Jeep rolled down and the radio turned up with old fashioned rock n roll songs. A beautiful morning drive to the country to relax. The birds were singing and deer grazing in the fields and beautiful pastel colors painting the sky as the sun was rising.
I was thinking what a great way to start the day. Peaceful and calm and enjoying the scenery. Little did I know what chaos was going to unfold.
I had travelled maybe a couple of miles just after driving across the bridge over the river. When I saw a momma racoon and her family crossing the road in front of me. There was no other cars on the road so I slowed down as the momma coon walked right out in front of my Jeep. I was enjoying watching the the family. I turned down the radio to listen to the momma talk with her babies. I was thinking how wonderful it was to just enjoy the moment. Then I noticed that momma coon had completely crossed the road and the baby racoons were just wondering around and looking confused or undecided as to what direction they should be going.
I noticed that one of the babies had decided to go more than halfway across the highway and I thought well now if only the other two baby racoons would just start following the first baby then all will be fine.
The baby racoons finally got headed across to join the first baby. I then had the brilliant idea to honk the horn of my Jeep to encourage them to hurry across the road to hopefully catch up with their momma.
I honked the horn of the Jeep, then all of the sudden I see a furry body come flying back across the highway and total chaos cut loose !
Momma coon was on the rampage! Babies were oblivious, and I was watching the momma coon charging the Jeep and snarling to come and protect her babies. Then dummy me realized that I had the window still rolled down and my arm was resting in the window.
That old momma coon lunging at the Jeep tire got me out of la la land and back to reality and I hurried up and rolled up the window toot sweet and in a heartbeat. Finally after momma coon's babies were completely across the highway and after she showed the Jeep and the brilliant driver that she wasn't going to have her babies honked at who was boss. She hurried after the three baby racoons and then I was left with wondering how the hell such a peaceful morning ended up in such chaos.
Learn from my adventure and if you ever run across a family of racoon's crossing the road in front of you? Do not honk the horn at momma coon and her family.

© Getting a new start in life