

The Accidental Superhero
As the knock was heard on my front door at nine in the morning. A parcel had arrived for me. I thought that was unusual. My name Valentina Rose was right there on the parcel. With a note on it saying please use with caution. That’s a little weird seeing that I did not order anything, and even more odd was a website I had never heard about. Superheroes Inc. This was so mysterious and Nonsensical and, I wasn’t reluctant at all. I ripped the outer package open. I did not care I wanted to see what was inside. It was addressed to me, wasn’t it. Inside was a gold and red superhero outfit. I immediately went to my bedroom and put it on in front of my full length mirror.

I was amazing, and I looked good, but I suddenly got this overwhelming feeling. Like my whole body started to vibrate with love. This was strange. I went to the window cell and and got the feeling to fly. So I jumped and flew to the moon and closer to the sun. Then I ever had before. It was this overwhelming feeling of love and healing over powering my inner self and I knew right away that this is the superpower I always dreamed of having and sending love and healing across my world I would do.

I had a vision that I believed that love would heal the world, and I was sent here to send you this message with the help of worldwide love we would move mountains stop wars and bring everlasting peace. We can only believe in a better world all together and to do this we must bring peace and love throughout our world.
© PatriciaAnne