

The Sim Card
It was an early morning trip to meet a new girl Jeff had been talking to on Facebook.

She has gotten attracted to him from his use of words and his expression of care. Jessica, the lady whom Jeff longed to meet at SDK Boulevard was a physical beauty bomb.

She has the body, that all men were tempted to look upon and take a zooming glaze. Her body curves were seductive and her face was more of Monalisa.

From every direction, her cuteness was amazing and left all who looked upon her astonished.
She has taken to Jeff and her expression to start a fresh relationship was clean and clear.

With a smiling face and a joyful mood, Jeff travels from Barnesville to Congo town humming the melody of Lionel Richel's song " Endless Love"

Before Jeff realized his location he was already around Ghana Chop Bar _ This was a fast flight he said to himself as he started to fix himself as a form of preparation to meet the Queen.

As he got out of the Kekeh, he noticed a blue Lone Star bottom phone on the seat of the Kekeh.
He rode the Kekeh alone from 72nd junction. So he took the phone and quietly placed it in his pocket.

His thoughts were I would hold until the person who owns the phone calls the phone then U would return it to him or her.

It was on Saturday, the street was not packed that morning. Imagine what it was like when Jessica and Jeff looked at each other. Their senses were lacked

The scene became a magical realm, every other person or object vanished, and the setting became so polished like a street in Las Vargas.

Jeff had not intended to impress Jessica _ with maturity plus honesty a wise man easily boosts his personality.

Love was already activated as it is known it is the mind that leads the body From the look in their eyes you could tell otherwise

Suddenly a text message popped up on the phone Jeff found He looked at the phone and viewed the message that rest

"I will send you, the balance upon your confirmation of executing the target, and here is the pin code 75364 destroyed the sim upon collecting the money "

As he tried to explain a send-wave text pop-up. US$5,000 has been received. Jeff took a deep breath and got muted as he calculated

"Kill the lady and send a picture of the tattoo on her right breast." Jeff slid the phone into his pocket and started to question himself with absence minded mood

Jessica thought he had received a message from his ex or some other lady _ she placed an arrogant mood and started bluffing

Jeff suddenly spoke out we needed to go to the Lonestar Head Office in Congo town _ Jessica ' Oh really, what for?

Jeff said softly, I have a huge sum of money to withdraw from my phone. Jessica smiled and said I never came for the money can you do that later

I must act now. They got in a taxi and it drove them towards Old road

© Jarry B Blie