

Less is More 🕊️
Does pursing a simple life not fulfill our human potential ?

We should not cultivate the "Fear of scarcity and wasted potential" phenomenon.

Why do we humans often feel that we have scarce resources in comparison with others. We even feel inferior for not performing upto our potential.

Why is a there a perpetual demand for hustling, can't we take it all easy and breathe.

In this era of technology and communication we are consuming a lifetime of content in like an hour.
This kind of exposure takes a toll on our mental health. More so because we are unable to emulate the peer success and whatever we come across.

There is a lack of peace and contentment in our minds, we start devaluing our family with constant comparisons and disdain.

Online relationships cannot be our rescue at times of adversities, we need real people to support and tackle life issues.

School, university, job, marriage, have kids, these are social constructs and kind of arbitrary rules that our society, family or we have made up for ourselves. We must try to do what suits us the best and is a priority for us rather than chasing perfection or living upto a set expectation.

We need to trust our Potential to replace the oblivion of not having enough.

We also need to normalise how unimportant having success, money and recognition is.

How delightful is to pause and BE..
It's ok to desire less, need less, have less consumption.

There is great joy in simplicity and mediocrity.

© cacti