

The myth of kingship
The societal construct of obsessing over status and material worth. Why do we feel this urge of heroism and self worth defined by possessions and validation ? Who is the king here ? A person who has had it all in a lifetime, a life that lasts for a couple of decades ? Can we call that person a king or a loser by the end. Maybe we all are losers with big egos and bigger oblivion of impermanence.

Human life is fragile with regards to ill health, mishaps and longevity. Why do we need to further complicate with the pressure of magnum opus and perfection.

Can't we live a simple and content life with gratitude. This constant state of chasing leaves us burnt out. However even peace and security are goal posts that are in a state of perpetual flux. The best kind of mind one can have is not to CHASE and be content with the NOW.

How do we get there? Firstly we need to unlearn the concepts of life that we were taught. These concepts are shallow and are keeping us away from our default state of calm. Life is already challenging with its ebbs and flows. The social scale robs us of our little peaceful time that we have here on this earth.

Material requirement is only for making human experience better but beyond a certain point everything is pointless as the mere human body is getting progressively worse each passing day.

Let's practice a compassionate community that understands and values communal peace and harmony without condescending each other over material worth and belongings.

Let's not be in the denial that we aren't here for eternity. Man is mortal and our aim must be to taste the nectar of fleeting serene moments without getting caught up in the BS of what society mislead us to believe.

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