

just desserts
ok can sombody please tell me why and how a woman can sit there and give someone so much control,all to lise herself.
so its 1:30 in the mourning and your fighting again illiana, why?
He loves me !
no he doesn't , he's already putting his hands on u.
that that was
dont do that
victoria he loves me
love doesnt hurt..
stop it stop it
at that moment tony walks into the room.
stop what,he says?
ugh nothing babe i was just running lines with victoria; isnt that right v
something inside victoria died when she heard the words comming out of her mouth,yup im playing a domestic violence victim,
he chuckled, get me a drink babe
illianas hands were shaking so bad as she stood up,
Victoria saw this and because she loved her friend said, my character is also a bartender so ill make them ,hell i need the practice.
illiana turned to talk to tony niether of them saw victoria slip a mickey in his drink
its time u learned that some men need to be taught a lesson.
tony chuged down his drink grabbed his head dropped the glass and went face first into the cat condo she just bought
tony screamed illiana,she turned to liok at victoria who was balled up on the floor laughing so hard ,she peed a little,
Look illy its time he learned that hes not gonna put his hands on u not as long as im living,
illiana went to rub the back of her neck like she does when shes uneasy,when she did she winced in pain
tony had grabbed her by her hair earlier that day and his nails dug so deep into her neck
illy grab his feet
your not gonna hurt him right
no honey were just gonna remind him of his manners,victoria chuckled and get. him naked
NAKED ILLY, victoria said
the girls got to work quickly
wakey wakey hands off snakey illiana said
but tony didnt move a muscle
whack whack WHACK
victoria wassnt so subtle she slapped tony so hard he jolted and was wide awake
what the fuck is going on here,illiana you fucking bitch untie me and maybe ill take it easy on u
WHACK victoria kick him so hard in his chest he lost his wind
illiana u stay there or go inside or ill tie u to a chair
This is your influence Victoria u come into my home and dissrespect
shut the fuck up or ill gag u with the dogs poo and your shit stained underware
and she did,when we allowed u into our family it was on the condition that u would as always love and cherish my baby sister
you hit her forced yourself on her and made her wssh your shitty draws.
so this is whats gonna happen this rope wrapped around that thing that might as well be a pussy and ur peanuts
tony chimed in,fuck u u dyke bitch and fuck your stupid whore of a sister 2, he spit and it landed on illianas face and to Victorias amazement illy found her proverbial balls and kick tony so hard he thought he lost one of his nuts
i cook i clean i work i make sure our kids are growing up right and u put your hands on me made me miscarry my twins,by this time illiana was yelling
no more no mutha fucking more
tony laughed how will u live without my money my house my car
it was illianas turn to laugh ,easy dumpling the car the house both bank accounts the bonds stocks are all in my name,
no there not u cow
well this cows smarter than u remember when you sighned those papers for the kids field trips,i slipped a power of attorney into the pile and transferd everything to me which i put in a trust for our kids.
its all legal and binding ,now ive got one last thing to say hit it Victoria, at that moment he heard the c as r rev up and gun it
no pleaseno shit no he saw the rope nearing its end he lwas lcryilnlg llike a bitch when the break away rope victoria got fro m her movie set broke away
one more thing over 1 00 thousand ppl watched this unfold he notice the cameras set up as he dropped to his knees sobbing,
illiana told him the divorce papers are on the table sign them and get the fuck out of my house

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