

The Outbreak (ep11)
This is the continuation of previous episodes so I recommend you to read that first those who have not read it.

Feel free to comment...any suggestions or clarifications needed in the story can be commented.


When I checked the DNA sequence of this new virus. It seemed to be almost similar with one another virus ....so I matched it with my database so there was 88% match between the new virus and that in my database.

The Virus in my database was an ANCIENT VIRUS.

For further information I decided to approach an ARCHAEOLOGIST.

Mr. Bosco was an archaeologist with a great knowledge and he was specialized in Ancient diseases and medicine.

So I decided to approach him.

However, I arranged a meeting with him. His office was in a museum, so I went there. I showed him the new virus. After looking at it for sometime he nodded his head as if he has got something for which he was searching for.....

Then he took a book and showed it to me and said.

"This is the visitors book... people who have came here will be recorded in this book."

I thought he was asking me to record my entry. But no.

He said ,

"Take that book and search it for a familiar name..."

I was curious, so I opened it as soon as he told.
I started from the recent entries.

I was terribly shocked to see that name.

Mr . Chi visited here 2days before the experiment. I called him.

I told him "sir, I know him ...it's our.."

Then he started talking

"I know, your lab director "

He laughed and said

"I knew that someone , someday from that lab will come to see me ."