

The caged town

It's monsoon, and the drizzle felt heavenly. Yet, I don't have time to enjoy the weather.
I was returning from my business trip, and chose to drive my car as I couldn't avail the tickets. The journey was only a day long, so decided to take on the roads.
But now, it prove to be my miscalculation as the rainstorm is making driving difficult. As the sun sets, I was hoping to find a place for a breather. The drizzle became a downpour, obscuring my vision. I relied on the beam of my headlamps. And I saw a faint glow, as if coming from a nearby town. Yet, perplexing were the Google map, showing nothing but a barren field.
Still, I felt relief, as I entered this small town. Most of the houses were shut but a small hotel was open. I stopped my car and opened the gates, only to encounter old fashioned lounge. A women greeted me with frowned face, apparently I looked a bit out of place.
They are were clothing from the 19th movie sets. Two big guys came and welcomed me.

" Coming from the outside, lad?" the elderly man asked as the younger one in his 30s, probably his son, took my bag and kept it aside.
" Yes, I have come from Bharatpur, going to Koshal, for some work. I have been driving for 6 hours now" I said with my weary voice.
" Bharatpur? I have heard about it but was too far, how you reached here?" he looked surprised as his gray moustache twitched.
" Driving in my car, how else? " I said candidly.
" Cars? The ones firangi used in Delhi??" He looked shocked and went outside to see my car.

" We have never seen something like this" His son Rakesh said, as his dark eyes widened.
" Why, it's common these days, although I haven't seen any here on road" I said.
" But, it's not possible," Rakesh murmured...
" No, Rakesh, there's a reason,' His elderly father Loknath intervened, ' It might be Devi's curse." His eyes drifted towards a hill nearby.

As they looked at each other with a silent understanding, Rakesh's wife Sangeeta brought me tea.
We had some snack and tea, and Rakesh showed me my room. I thanked him and retired for the night.
I wake up to a knock to my door. It was not even sunrise, and I still felt drowsy.
" Sir, kindly open the door," It was Loknath voice.
I was irritated, yet opened the doors. He looked worried and asked me to check out as soon as possible.
" But it's still dark outside, let me go out after the day comes, I am still tired." I protested.
" You don't understand sir, it's for your safety" He had an urgency in his voice.
I took my bag and went outside. As I was at the reception, my eyes catches the old register, the rates of the room were written in less than 50 rupees.
I was hoping it to cost more than a thousands. I asked for the charge, he said it was free, I just have to leave the place as soon as possible. I asked for the reason, he only left a letter in my hand and asked me to read it after leaving the town.
" I just can't go without paying for the service," saying so, I gave 500 rupees to his hand. He looked puzzled watching the note yet smiled and led me outside.
As I drove back, towards the town gates, I looked back to the town. I saw Rakesh and Sangeeta waving goodbye with a smile.
I was delighted that they wake up for me. What I was amazed was that most of the windows were open and faces were staring at me. It felt creepy, so I drove my way out.
As the dawn breaked, I took on last look, only to find the town with all those houses vanished in thin air. I came into a sudden halt.
" What's happening!!"
I remembered the letter that Loknath gave me. I opened it to read.
" Dear sir, I know you would be angry that I have asked you to leave the town before sunrise, but we have our reasons.
Our town is afflicted by Devi's Curse, and the temple priest had said that we are caged within the realm of space and time.
We never took it seriously, till you came along, bringing your car. For us, the incidence happened few days ago but from you we have realized that decades have passed.
So we went to our priest to take his advice.
He warned us that even you might get locked with us if you complete the night here.
It was a miracle, may be Devi Maa's blessing that you visited to our town. Thank you and have a safe journey. "

I was stunned, and my mind went blank.
Yet, the incoming vehicles took me out of my daze. I restarted my engine.