

Tales of Destiny: In a Twinkling
"Who art thou, oh man, for to bring thy Creator down so low? For as His Time is a Day, unto your One Thousand Years!"
OT (paraph.)

A #WRITCO Compilation

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In every Life we Encounter those Things Unbelievable others call Miracles: A Blind Man Driving a Dying Child to a Hospital, A Deaf Woman Speaking to a Rousing Crowd, A Paraplegic Running a Marathon. We don't always Understand, but accept what we see with our Eyes. You and I, let us take a Moment to Experience some of these Fantastical Memories. Face to Face, Place to Place, let us Open a Book in the Grand Library of Human History.


In This Weave, a Number of Soldiers in the USAF Special Forces gave Witness to Something Absolutely Amazing.

This will be, Perhaps, the Most Incredible Tale these Books have to Offer.

Listen to the Tale, and Ponder on your own Musings ...


Dear SSGT J.T. Walsh

I do not know how else to Convey what I, and several others, had Witnessed; except to be as Direct as Possible.

We were running Drills in Proper Formation, when we Heard a Sudden Break in the Sound Barrier. This came and went Practically without a Hitch, since the Base affords this kind of Minutia Daily.

We continued our Training, when something very Odd, Impractical and Quite Impossible, took Hold of us.

Time ...

It Paused!

No I do not mean, sir, that Time Slowed Down or a Perceived Stop. Everything as Far as the Eye could See came to an Abrupt End.

Save myself and a Few others.

But the most Remarkable Event was this.

I was Standing next to John, Joseph and Jacob. Their bodies, sir, seemed to Vaporize in Slow Motion; Top to Bottom, then Top again.

It felt like Star Trek, as absurd as that seems.

Then others began the same Transition, their Particles Drawn upward into a Device.

This Machination was Beyond Measure, Literally Filling the Skies. As if a Doorway 🚪 opened up within our own Universe 🌌 and this Thing (for no Words exist to Name it Properly) Spewed Forth.

There were Thunders and Lightnings, Brilliant Streaks Flashing all Across the Sky well Beyond, even Behind, the Horizon.

Strangely, though, there was a Dull Echo (like in a Hallway) throughout this Happenstance; only Three of us Survived the Ordeal. Not all were taken, some merely hit by a Stray Bolt and Instantly Incinerated.

In Lieu of my Sanity, I Honestly now tend to Believe that EVERYONE who Disappeared into this UFO may have, in fact, come to a Sticky End.

I cannot know.

I only know what I Believe I Saw; and in my own Mind's Eye, it was Definitely not of this Earth.

Sir, I had Checked my Bearings: it was Almost 17 Minutes as an Occasion.

In Light of what I knew as a Devout Theologian, I was Awestruck!

Sincerely, PFC T.D. HOOD


"What do you make of this?"

The Lieutenant just Stared at the Letter, and the Paused Video. "I don't know. Radiation Poisoning?"

The Colonel rubbed her Temples and Walked to the Window, Looking at her Squadrons. "I want you to Keep a Tight Seal on this, Lt."

"Yes Ma'am," he Replied.

"And I want you to Keep an Eye on the other Two," she Ordered.

"As Far as I know," he Started, "they're still Comatose."

"See to it they Remain that way," she Continued his Observation, "Indefinitely." Then she walked over to the other side of her Desk and Tore up the Statement. "And, get Rid of the Tapes."

"But ma'am..."

"Just do it," she Ordered. "That will be all."

And, after the Lieutenant left her office, she once again Walked to her Window; Looking out at the Squadrons, she too ... Disappeared.


Interesting isn't it. Out of No Where comes an Object from Somewhere, but Where? Traveling at Light speed would not Break the Sound Barrier, so it could not have come from that Far.

Why didn't anyone else see it?

Or, did they, and just not Report it so Congruently as the PFC.

Strange too, if it Truly was 17 Minutes should not an Entire Swath of Population be Aware, even if this was in the Proving Grounds, Probably in the Western United States.

Or was Time Simply perceived in his own Mind?

But what about his Watch? Clearly it Showed the same Passage of Time.

Maybe this was a Wrinkle in Time.

A Fold.

Or, in a Twinkling.

It is a Fantastical Story with Broad Implications, and Worthy of even Further Studies, outside the Halls of this Library.

A Conglomeration of Stories and Tales Sailing through Human History, Moments of Intrigue and Mysteries.

We Step away from the Norm, as the Constant Observer and Answer the Queries, one by one.


Until Next Time ...

The Pages of a Very Special Book comes Alive for a Little Girl Suffering from a Congenital Bone Marrow Disease.

What takes her to that Next Level ...

Will Blow you AWAY!

Bye for Now

And Goodnight!



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© I Am MichAel