

Behold, the future has come. the end of all is near, the world is dying of so much diseases, we used our own hands to destroy our planet. We destroy two hundred and twenty million trees per day, destroy our soils, reap out the beauty of nature, destroy the fresh air with our chemical pollution all in the name of “Advanced technology”. Death rate, hunger, wars, robberies have all increased. The temperature is severely unbearable, we burnt up the atmosphere. earth has gotten closer to the sun and now there’s a   sun disease which at first feels itchy, and then very itchy, and then it starts to bite like a group of ants gathered on that spot feasting, and it feels like it was sent to men for torturing, and the pain becomes unbearable when it starts to burn up all the cells till it kills you. All these horrors in just 60 years ahead of the present. In the year, 2084. I am a time traveller and I traveled to the end of the world, a time where I didn’t exist. I died 20 years before that time, (I will die 40 years from now.)
My name is victor, I come from 2024, I am a time traveller and I traveled to the end of the world and you know the rest.     I am a 16-year old boy, who is going to die in the next 40 years as a 56-year old man.  But what you don’t know is how I died, or how the world ended, or how   I even got my time travelling machine. So let’s start from the scratch, I was walking past a quiet street around 8:00pm alone and depressed as always. when I saw a bird-like object flying in such speed no man has ever invented ‘or at least for now’. then behold, it landed on a field immediately behind my house. There was a dark man coming out of it, a 30-year old looking man, he had blood covered on him, he was weak like he just survived a bar fight. He slowly rose up his head to me saying, “are you Victor?”. Surprised and in shock, “yes I am, sir”, he brought out a gun-like object and asked, “what is it you truly dream of achieving”. I was   confused so I remained silent. pointing the gun-like object at me, he exclaimed “I wouldn’t repeat myself, what is it you truly desire!”. I was terrified, I tried to say something but my lips were trembling, all I could think of was my survival, “it’s a gun, not from this generation but it is a gun. I’m sure.” I thought to myself. He came closer to me while still pointing the gun at me, I fell to the ground as my legs were cold due to fear. he placed the gun on my forehead then he said, “ask me why I am about to end your life, so when you die, you die knowing that I’m not a monster”. “why?” I asked, “why are you doing this?”, “I’m saving the world” he said. “in just nine years from now, you will graduate and then work in a top secret government agency. Having the IQ of 240, you will become the wisest man of the generation. A hacker and a cyber security analyst at the same time. Not just that, you were a nuclear specialist. In the year 2064, you invented the most effective and dangerous nuclear bomb that can explode as far as thirty-three thousand, four hundred and seventy-five (33,475 km) kilometers and as wide as seventeen thousand, sixty eight kilometers (17,068 km).  six months after that, the time machine was invented by your team which I was a member of. we risked all we had for that time machine. Our relationships, our lives, our money, our happiness. We were all devoted to the invention of the time machine. we spent years suffering, but we had hope. and after we succeeded, you ordered us to destroy it. You called it a bad idea, that it would lead to the destruction of the world and when we didn’t agree with you, you started a war. It all started from an argument between members, to a small fight between teams. from a small fight between teams, to a fight between companies, to a fight between government and the people, to a war between countries, to a war between continents and finally, to the greatest world war.  And you saw that the world disagreed with your decision. millions of other time machines have been made, the world’s population increased by 1.9B in just two days as people went back in time to revive their loved ones. The hunger became too much that everybody became fisher men and some even became fishers of men “cannibals”. You got fed up and decided to end all of the misery once and for all. you activated the nuclear bomb and prepared to die, we all tried to plead with you but you refused. I quickly grabbed a time machine and flew back to an earlier time, but still the same result. I did all I could but they were still giving the same results.   Then I got angry, went a year back and I smashed your head with a gas tank, I smashed it over and over again till your brain became liquid and your skull, dust. Still yet, the same result. The nuclear bomb was set to be activated by only you, or when you die. So I took a time machine to 41 years behind my present to kill you while you’re young and weak. In that way, there will never be a nuclear bomb, and only one-time machine which is the one I brought here. So have a good death victor, suffer in hell like you should”. I got furious realizing that it was my future’s blood on him, noises of the voices in my head, my rage burnt so hot I could feel it in my breath, my feet didn’t feel cold anymore, and without hesitating, I slowly deepened my hands into the grasses, uprooted them and threw it against him. I then reached out for his gun and ‘click’, I pulled the trigger. I saw the bullet piercing through his chest and his blood splash. Then he fell on me almost lifeless. I rested for a moment and it was silent in my head. I dragged his body to my neighbor’s   abandoned well, threw him in it while he was still alive. I stood up knowing the damage I’ve caused, “if my parents find out, they’ll disown me for sure”. So I went into the time machine, took the manual and traveled 5 years ahead of the present. In 2029, apple company had already invented their second model electric car and Benz company were making many cool accessories. Phones became things of the past and were replaced with cool glasses that could do better than whatever any phone could do and even more. Surgeries for height became easy and common, the cost of food became so expensive that most people walked around with one kidney as they sold them to survive.  I tried searching for the future me to warn him about his or our untimely death, but he was nowhere to be found. I went on, travelling four more years ahead. In 2033, there were sky countries, flying cars, China and the U.S.A in a big technology competition, Nigeria became the fourth most populated and the third richest country in the world.
Afghanistan became the central of transportation. And in collaboration with Russia and Kuwait, China were working on stopping natural disasters. All these and yet, I couldn’t still find myself. I traveled through time for 88 years looking for myself and yet still, no results. I’ve been wandering in the past and future all alone. A 104-year old in the body of a 21-year old looking boy who didn’t exist in any other timeline. So I got tired and went searching for the guy who came after me 88 years ago. It wasn’t hard, his name was Marcus Schwarz Oluad, who was born in the year 2027, lived in; home 0303, Julius Berger street, Abuja, Nigeria.  So I traveled to 2064 to find him, but this time around, things were different. they were no “most effective” bombs, there was no me, no time machines, just other type of machines like robots and Artificial intelligence and the rest. unfortunately, in that timeline Marcus died of a car accident    when he was 19 in the year 2043. Now the confusion has become too much, too much that it left the mind of a 104 year-old jumbled.