

Whether you like it or not, you have to deal with family, school, or work responsibilities, no matter what! For me I had to deal with school, writing, designing and life in general. it wasn't easy having to wake up in the morning dealing with house chores and then having to go to school, every day was a repetition of the previous day, I felt stressed and exhausted each day, and I wondered how long I had to live this way. I returned home by 6 pm every day, sometimes even later than that, no one ever asked how I was holding it in, Not like anyone cared, everyone expected me to take it in.
I took it in initially, but not until it began to have a toll on my mental health, i began to wonder if all my efforts were futile, I wondered if my work actually mattered and slowly I started losing myself. 'it's okay to take a break'. That's the most comforting statement I heard. Now this is something I have to say to everyone out there "it's okay to take a break too".
© Freya stone