

The Bag
The train rides by
And Then the next one comes
An take my seat by that window
A man sits by me with a big
bag and greets me
I smile an greet back
Then he tells me a story of
And he says it started long ago
with a pack of gum
I got it from highs
hubbuba bubble bubble yum
It was a gum plus a tongue twister
I got the gum walked back home
up the alley way.
Then I say hey that dog is lose
And we heard that voice yell that
And we ran all the way home
I lost my gum
I had one piece in my mouth
but the rest was back where that dog
And I was not leaving my gate
to look for it
So I look through a hole in the gate
And I see the dog going pass the gate
with that pack of gum in his mouth
And I was surprised
So that's amazing
Well if you think so so is this
Then he disappears
And I see a bag
So I look around no man
Just that bag
wow I think that is some trick
I did not see him walk away.