

Who I am is different when with or without you.

Do you desire Me, or just something from Me that I can do for you?

Is a connection based on doings though we're beings of untold mystery, yet to be discovered for what we have harbored at the docks of our Hearts?

Does comparison depend on the brightest Light and where it shines?

If the Lighthouse is a poor judge of character, will it invite the miscreants whilst turning away the ones with "Good" intentions?

When all is said and done, will it be said that there was even One who discerned and willed to do what was Good and Right?

When Good is called Evil and Evil Good,
will pleasure and gain be all that remains?
A constant Conjecture?

How long before all is Lost,
to the Consuming Fires of Moral Arsonists who discredit the meaning of honorable action and dignified treatment?
Who objectify the body for delight?

What if a Light shines and all it sees are shifting shadows, is it shining a Light from Darkness or on it?

If it looks outward to Judge as it inwardly perceives, what is it seeing?

A Fugue, a Facade, a Hypocrisy?

It dawns on Me that effervescence most often comes out at dusk.

The Moon excels the Sun in concealing the corners of a mask. When a Lie betrays a Conscience. When Evil becomes Conscious, as it pursues what it hides from its face.

Illumination of the Darkness gives those hiding an awful fright,
The fringe always comes out at night.

In the Light,
it hides behind a thin veil of Deception,
resisting an inevitable exposition.