

spiritual reparations

Spiritual reparations

Oh honey
No I can’t save you from this one
You confess upon your last breath
You sinned, now you regret…
Then you ask forgiveness
You said you’re sorry
In tears cos you lynched a
Black man for mindin his business
You kept his body parts as souvenirs
Includin his penis…you ate his toe
Then he haunts you, hauntin you for
The rest of his life…you know ancestors
Can’t let things go don’t let it even
Slide…so a black man is in your thoughts
In your dreams fightin back, you see his
Shadow on walls, mirrors, doorways
Cos he’s givin you all the bad karma
You deserve…I don’t blame him….
Nurses doctors and other staff
Will not help you with this one…
Even when you change rooms
Switch sides….
You’re scared…you wanna go to a better place…
You hope you won’t get judged in
Afterlife….cos you’re white, you
Have white privilege…creator be like
Fuck all of that, this is not how it works
Revenge, violence is more convenient
Cos your actions speak louder in
Jim Crow days….you called a black man
A nigger and you burned him up just
For fun….so there he is, right in your face
You scream you cried kickin the covers
You have to ask someone to stay
The next mornin you pass away….
You have lived your life, you lived your best life
Without remorse, or guilt
Not even deep down….
Yet the ghost of a black man
With burnt bones walkin around the house
In grudges, in so much pain
The fact he wanted you to suffer, too
So he made you Almost burn your house down
He made you fuck up your lungs…
He put demons in your heavy sleep…
He follows you around town
Holy water doesn’t work…
Oh yes he took your buddies
Now on your deathbed
You died you died lyin to yourself
That you’re a good Christian…
No you’re not….
You killed a human being back
In your day
Jesus doesn’t do that….
Don’t justify
You did it on purpose…
And you went to hell
There’s no beautiful place for killers…
You get what you deserved….

I called it spiritual reparation
I called it fightin back
I called it a great ass whoopin

I don’t believe in Christianity
But I do believe in karma
And she’s a bitch
She makes me laugh…
And I love how the enemies be like
I’m a wonderful Christian
I volunteered
Feed the homeless
You see I’m a good person
Yet people found out about your past
It wasn’t that long ago

As I said before
You lived your life
Your best life
In justifyin your sins
Like a colonizer….
Town sees you on an ancient newspaper
Clip killin another negro…
Put him on a tree
And you got his loved ones watchin
In heartache….you told them
If they get out of line, they could be him…

You place fear and trauma in his family….

And you never went to jail
Never got punished
You got away with it

The ghost has always reminded
You of what you did
Remember you kept his bones
And his penis as your collection

You ain’t really apologizin…

The sad part about it is
A lot of black people are brainwashed
Not to do somethin harm to white folks
But white folks can do harm to them….
It’s a part of an agenda….
Like they’re not allowed to stand up to a
Bully…cos In their brains
They still think white people are superior
And they’re really not….they don’t understand the

And when you hear about
Spiritual reparations
Stories like this
You realize
These wicked people
Can’t get away with the fuckery
This time
With all these I’m sorry I’m so sorry

Revenge is real…

You ain’t sorry….
You get what you deserve
When I hear beautiful tales,
It makes me love my ancestors more…
It satisfies my soul

Nobody is playin with the colonizers…
At all….

💯✊🏿©️ Kai C. 6-21-24
© Kai C..