

My divine gift
You never minded how different i was.
You always made me feel safe and sound.
You let me hide in your heart.
A refuge where i can heal.
And by doing that.
You made me feel loved.
With you i found a unic love.
So pure and so rare.
You saw beyond the surface.
Deep and true.
Embracing all of me, just as you do.
In your eyes, i found acceptance’s glow and an eternal peace.
You didn’t mind the quirks or the flaws.
Instead you cherished every aspect of me.
In your love.
I found my perfect place.
You loved me.
Even though at the time.
I was hard to love.
And i do wondered.
Why my own heart is rejecting me ?
When i realized.
Just darkness in my chest.
A darkness that you helped me fill with a warmth and gentle light.
You saved me, you healed me.
Thank you Mom.
My divine gift.
For loving what for me felt unlovable.


© Fatima