

one word...If
If we could turn back the hands of time,
Where would we choose to begin?
To undo mistakes, to right wrongs,
To erase regret and sin.

Would we go back to moments of joy,
To relive laughter and love?
Or would we seek out moments of pain,
To learn and grow from above.

Perhaps we'd revisit our childhood,
To reclaim innocence and glee,
To see the world through young eyes,
And set our hearts truly free.

Or maybe we'd go back to pivotal choices,
To choose a different path,
To see where it leads us now,
And avoid the aftermath.

But time is a river ever flowing,
And we cannot change its course,
So let us learn from our past mistakes,
And strive to find our inner force.

For though we cannot turn back time,
We can shape our future anew,
With wisdom gained from our journey,
And a heart that's pure and true.

So let us embrace each moment,
For it is all we truly possess,
And live with no regrets or fear,
In a life that's truly blessed.
© Nate