

Obsessed With You
Every day and night
I think of you Then a light
Goes on in my head
I'll just ignore you
So while l ignore you
I'm still thinking
That you're cute
I can't help it after
A couple of days
I'm obsessed with you That's just it I've never Been obsessed with
Anyone but you
That's my problem
I can't get you Out of my head
I even thought Of how a date Would be but it'll
Never happen because
I don't know if You like me back
I see you in the Hall and look at
You and then hurry
To my class
I watch you
At recess
When you play
Football with
Your friends
I can't help it And I want to
Scream because
I'm obsessed with You and only
You nobody else
Matters to me but you 🌹
© ⭐️Neptoon⭐️