

You have a voice
You have a voice...use your words!
Speakicfk for the tongue use you voice
vocalize what you want.
As you are valid and validated
you shouldn't have to suffer and sit in silence it's not a good feeling at all to carry on to bare.
It can be hard but you can show your strength though your own words as you may convey emotions and show it's ok to be vulnerable to show vulnerability. It's ok to be honest with yourself and show your strength though your feelings are not going unoticed.
as we as humans can show sympathy and empathy for you and for me you may even be an empath so it can affect you for overbearing venting can effect you, you have a voice use it well. To speak what you need to speak what you want to hear from to listen we have a voice we can roar loudly and proudly; use it well but not with words that can hurt you they say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, but at the same time words can be powerful and have lasting effects on our life's if you use your voice well speakicfk well as word of tongue can really kill as it can be word of devil and not on God's will.