

Eccentric Game Changers
Beautiful souls come in the black sheep,
the odd ducks, the rejects,
the eccentrics, the loners,
the lost and forgotten.

With different brain wire
and distinctive hearts,
the kind the world misunderstands,
thinking and acting differently.

Going against the grain
of societal expectations,
appearing wild, crazy,
or disconnected.

Changing the games,
reinventing rules,
reshaping the worlds,
for entirely different views.

Bring in the new,
out of the clear blue,
no matter if being liked,
hated, or accepted.

Eccentric game changers
have beautiful souls
the world misunderstands,
but still shines bright lights.

#eccentric #writcopoem #writcoapp
#writcocommunity #writcofamily

@Becky M Scranton