

Wisdom Of Youth
Do you live life in a way they'd call truthfully?
Like you did way back when you still thought youthfully?

Do you sing out badly like nobody can hear?
Do they commonly label you as a see-er
Of sought-after sites— northern lights— of Chinatown?
Or, are you one of those with your eyes pointed down?
Rushing 'round the world always in a huge hurry?

Could you do a little dance without a worry?
Would you pop a two-step without a second thought?
Do you still have faith that there was a Camelot?
Are you living to the fullest each day and night?
For living life, have you a healthy appetite?

Do you crack quips and trade old tales over a grill?
Do you put all your tea on display— do you spill?
Are you leaving behind tales of glory— of fails
Or are you far too scared that you'll run off the rails
Are you worried you might be brutally side-eyed?

Are you ever so scared of being bonafide
That you hide out, deep down inside of your tight shell?
Never poking your head out to smell a sweet smell?
Never sticking your neck out there ever?— at all?
As they just may find you to be the oddest ball!

Do you hide away from living in your own truth
Trying to forget about the wisdom of youth?

#youth #aging #wisdom #rhyme
© danie_af