

You were never mine
To that one boy who never looked at me,

All my life I've always looked at you,
Even when I tried not to,
Even when we were alone and also when we were in a sea of people,
My eyes always found you, singing a song to yours,
A melody to convey all the unsaid things which I never had the courage nor the chance to say,
Though I don't think you ever heard it anyway,

My broken heart tried to hold itself together for you,
Yearning for your love, craving for your touch,
Only for you to shatter it again, leaving only small pieces of it,

I don't know if I ever meant anything to you,
Even if for a second, did you yearn for me too,
Your smile lights up my world yet burns my soul,
For I know you'd never smile at me like that,
But for you I am ready to be set ablaze,
I wish those months with you lasted for a lifetime,
But they slipped away like a bottle of wine,
Because you were never mine.

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