

--after 'The Bacchae'

A verdant crown
is placed on the head
of the woman who claims
to be Freya.
But the councilor isn't buying.
An ardent disbeliever,
He's leery of anyone
who assures him
of their divinity.

In the evening,
The Hyperboreans
descend through the town,
Carrying bowls of wine.
At dusk,
They gather 'round the bonfire,
Their sheer,
Billowy frocks flutter,
Like sails,
In the cool breeze.
The councilor scoffs
at the elaborate pageantry,
Denouncing the woman
as false.
With that,
The faithful wrench him
from his seat,
Tearing him limb from limb.

Through it all,
The goddess weeps.
But when presented
with his severed head,
She grins,
For you see,
The price is high
for a mortal to question the gods.


#Midsommar #summersolstice #pagan #tragedy #Sweden #Scandinavia #travel #explore #poetry #spontaneousprose

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