

In the blink of an eye
In the blink of an eye, this life was gone
Your faith in life was wild and strong
Awakening us to the truth so clear
That we must cherish those we hold dear

We speak to each other without a care
But tomorrow may bring a sudden despair
Life is short, we must not delay
In telling our loved ones what we want to say

Don't wait for someone else to make the move
Speak your heart, let your love prove
For one day they may be gone
And you'll be left with words unsung

So seize the moment, speak your truth
Before it's too late, before our youth
Slips away like grains of sand
Let your words be heard, make a stand

For life is fleeting, time is short
Don't let regret be your only retort
Say what you feel, don't hold back
For in the end, it's the love we lack.
© Nate