

Dear me, where do I begin?
With all the battles you've fought within.
Through the highs and lows, the tears and laughter,
You've grown and learned, and that's what matters.

Dear me, you've faced your fears,
Stepped out of your comfort zone, wiped away the tears.
You've taken risks, embraced the unknown,
And in the process, you've truly grown.

Dear me, remember the times you fell,
But you always found the strength to propel.
You picked yourself up, dusted off the pain,
And kept moving forward, despite the strain.

Dear me, you've faced heartbreak and loss,
But you've also found love, and that's worth the cost.
You've learned to let go, to forgive and heal,
To find solace in the wounds that time can seal.

Dear me, you've doubted your worth,
Questioned your purpose, your place on this earth.
But let me remind you, you are enough,
With all your flaws and imperfections, you're tough.

Dear me, embrace your uniqueness,
Your quirks, your passions, your own distinctness.
Don't let the world define who you should be,
For you are the author of your own destiny.

Dear me, keep dreaming big,
Let your aspirations soar, let your spirit dig.
Never settle for less than you deserve,
For you have the power to shape your own curve.

Dear me, be kind to yourself,
In a world that can be cruel.

© julliethepoet