

Corona Times
Lost in reading the books, soon I started dozing off,
I was getting bored! "Shelly!", My father called out
"Just coming Pops", I shouted back and got up to go
Ah, my mood lifted.
I took his instructions, did the laundry and came back to my own room once again

The scorching sun shone bright, atmosphere appeared hazy,
I switched on the cooler that has recently replaced AC

The cool droplets were showering on my face, were relishing me in the scorching summer afternoon

Ding!Ding!Dong!Ding! The notifications flashed on my mobile screen,
It almost took me an hour to surf the news headlines & social sites ,I was too keen on.

A tempting aroma came wafting to me, it remained there till I reached the kitchen

My father had cooked the lunch for the day, I chopped some veggies for the salad
My granny also got some time to spend with me, My younger brother played with her chess and rummy
My mother was.. Oh, how I wished she were with us instead of her hometown!
O, how different the house looked today from other days!

We are staying safe at our homes,
Our soldiers.............. Doctors carrying out their duties 24×7
& cops too..by being on the streets and roads

The virus is widespreading it's wrath, Some are dying, others fighting for breath

It was sick, strived for survival,
Ailing nature planned its own revival
Air is purer, sky even clearer,
Rain rejoiced the flora and creatures
Brook burbles fluorescent water,
Isn't it,to palliate the human errors
These are corona times, vulnerability spots everywhere,
What we require at this time is utmost care
My poem is complete, i end up here.