

What life taught me
Life taught me that it’s fine to just be normal rather than spending the entire time learning words just to sound formal
It taught me that you may love someone or something so much that it hurts but that person or even thing would see you as nothing more than a fling
It taught me pain,without it I don’t think I want to know how to be strong or what other thing would I have to gain?
It taught me that being happy is a choice. You choose to be happy or sad or upset or angry. Whichever it is,it’s all still your decision and it can’t be given or receive by force
It taught me that being good is something that comes with a price and if you’re not careful,you’ll end up experiencing an unexplainable downfall instead of a much deserved rise.

Life has really taught me things that either make me cry or laugh but one thing thing I’m grateful for is that life taught me about myself
© Dora24