

yearning Echoes
Through ethereal realms, my yearning echoes,
A symphony ablaze, my heart's soulful tremolo.
Each beat a longing, a verse I compose,
As I search for the love my spirit knows.

Like a beacon in darkness, I seek your embrace,
A guiding light to illuminate my solitary space.
Your absence, a chill wind whispering with regret,
Yearning echoes reverberating, my heart set.

Amidst the tapestry of life's vibrant thread,
I weave memories, our moments entwined instead.
Laughter and whispers, moments etched deep,
A longing that lingers, an unquenchable keep.

In the symphony of longing, my voice ascends,
Yearning echoes carried by iridescent winds.
Through obstacles and trials, my spirit won't yield,
For love's embrace is the solace I seek, the field.

So I continue, my heart's yearnings ablaze,
With faith and resilience, I'll dance through life's maze.
For in the tapestry of time, I'll find my destiny,
When my yearnings cease and love finds sanctuary with me.

© nusrataijazlaway