

Leaving Wonderland
Be careful of that path you’re on,
Things aren’t exactly as they seem.
Time hasn’t just sped up down there,
It can be nonexistent as in a dream.
Some of the foods may nourish you,
Whereas others cause some to die.
Much will change the way you think,
So you’ll start believing every lie.
That’s not all I’m afraid to say,
You see, you’ve lost your memory.
But it’s not something you’ll even miss,
As you’ll walk on obliviously.
You’ll meet others on a similar path,
Who are just as confused as you.
Stumbling around quite aimlessly.
Not knowing exactly what to do.
But fear not, you’ll have a guide!
Someone to help you along the way.
Though you won’t really be able to see them,
Or hear a single word they say.
But when you do finally figure it all out,
Oh what a party we shall throw!
You’ll receive the gift of your memories,
Returning to you all that you once did know.
© Buffy Lee