

moon and tide
when i look at you
the glimmer of your beauty shines
iridescent, shimmering
you attract me, much like a magnet does to iron
or the moon to our tides

perhaps my love is comparable to tides,
crashing onto shores
calm until my gaze reaches your eyes,
and soon enough a destructive storm;
intrusive and impulsive thoughts as dangerous as the crashing waves,
consuming much in its wake.

or perhaps, it is more like the moon
where it rises once the sun has set:
shy and nervous to progress with its fondness;
maybe embarrassed to look you even in the eye
but its love shines greatly and proudly,
waiting for the sun to come back.

the moon and the tide
are more similar than we realise
and more intertwined than we knew.
almost as if they were the lovers, instead of sun and moon?

darling, no person will know the connection of the moon and tide,
as much as the connection between you and i.
maybe that describes our love more perfectly than i figured.
maybe our love is more than just young, dumb love.

but a hidden, special bond of our souls intertwined.

© alexdemp