

it's little me...
When I stared in the bathroom mirror this morning,
I searched in my reflection for the child that I used to be,
And all I found were traces left behind—
Fading footsteps at the back of my mind made by the glittery pink shoes 7 year old me wore as she danced through time,
And grief found an escape out of my eyes and ran down my cheeks, taking me for a trip down memory lane, a trip long overdue, and it makes me wonder, did grief find an escape or did I unlock the door for you?
Echoes of my laughter linger in the silence, as I remembered shouting “higher” as my sister pushed me on the swing,
But now I stand before the mirror,
Lost in heartbreaking silence.
Still, I find traces of my laughter,
Though they shyly hide in the back of my throat,
Existent, yet muted, forever scarred.
They yearn for a push or perhaps a pep talk,
Or perhaps yearn to be back at that swing again.
