


Brick by brick, I built this home,
Each piece with purpose in which it owns.
It was the hardest task I ever did face,
As I made sure everything was in its right place.
Yet, suddenly, my house collapsed, tumbling to the ground.
My heart started drumming, I felt every pound.
Confused by the aftermath, and all the destruction in sight.
What caused this to happen, I pondered through the night
Was it the weight of my burdens too heavy to bear?
Or the cracks in my foundation, too deep to repair?
I stood amidst the rubble, feeling lost and alone.
Wondering how to rebuild what was once my home.
But as I sifted through debris, a realization grew
That sometimes I must let go and build something new.
Through destruction, there lies something beautiful underneath.
Just believe in yourself and let your heart guide your feet.
Remembering that sometimes good things rest in a pit.
and faith holds the purpose that mortars each brick.

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